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"Then why don't you tell Jeonghan!" yelled Jihoon a bit frustrated.

"Tell me what?" said Jeonghan closing the door behind him.

The other two where surprised since they didn't notice his presence.

"Guys what's going on? Tell me what?" he asked again, now a little concerned about the pale expression on his hyung's face.

"Yeah, tell him Seungcheol hyung. What you haven't told him." Jihoon said with a slight smirk.

"I- well.. You see- umm..."

The door bell rang, interrupting the older and his stuttering. Jeonghan walked to the door turning his back on the other two.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you Lee Jihoon" the older whispered as the other just chuckled.

"Guys this is Joshua."

"Hi, nice meeting you two. You must be Seungcheol! Jeonghan told me all about you."

"I'm Jihoon."

Joshua smiled and stretched out his hand to both of the new people.

"Can we go to your room?"

"S-sure!" Jeonghan said stuttering with a visible blush on his cheeks.

As they both left, Jihoon and Seungcheol were still processing the whole thing.

"You saw Jeonghan's face right?" Jihoon said looking at his hyung.

Seungcheol kept looking to the hallway, bitting his lips while jealousy consumed him.

"Hyung no! I don't want to do this!" said Jihoon trying to walk away, but Seungcheol's grip was too strong for him.

"I don't care! You're gonna do it."

"nnnnnNOoooooOOOO!" said the younger throwing himself to the ground, causing Seungcheol to drag him a bit.

"Jihoon stop! You're not a little kid!"

"Yes I am!! Leave me alone!"

"I'm trying to fucking help you!!"

"I don't need your help I can do it alone!"

"Aish Jihoon, you've been trying to do it alone for four years now!"

There was silence for a moment and Jihoon was on his feet again, face completely red while biting his lips nervously.


"Good. Everything's gonna be alright, the dude loves you! You just gotta stop being a fucking tsundere."

Two more blocks and they were in front of a white house.

"Now go, I'll wait here."

"No no, let's go back I can't-"


"No what are you doing hyung let's go!" he was about to run away but Seungcheol caught him in time.

The door opened up and the boy was out of his house.

"Hyung, Woozi! What are you guys doing here?"

Seungcheol felt his friend melt in his hands as soon as the guy called him Woozi. That unique nickname he alone invented for the love of his life.

"He wants to tell you something."

Jihoon broke free and fixed his jacket.
He coughed awkwardly and scratched his nape.

"Well.. you see..." he looked up to meet the other's eyes.
They were full of light and love, thing that threw Jihoon over the edge.

The shortie grabbed Soonyoung by his shirt and pulled him down to connect their lips.

"I fucking love you okay?" he said a bit pissed and a but flustered.

"My job here is done, you both can thank me tomorrow. Goodnight!" Seungcheol said walking away.

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