Sequel 2

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"Ugh, look at them being all gross." said Vernon to Jun who was waiting for his boyfriend to come back with food.

"Who? Cheol hyung and Seungkwan? You only say that cause you like Seungkwan!" Jun poked the younger's sides playfully.

"Shush no I really don't. I just hate seeing couples so in love.. It's gross Jun!"

"You don't seemed to be grossed out with Minghao and me though."

"Aish you too are different." he ruffled the older's hair when he recieved a call.

"Wonwoo what's up?"

"You have someone interested in your apartment.. You better get there cause I dropped him off right now."

"Cool, I'll be on my way."


The door was slightly open when Jeonghan  tried to knock, so he just let himself in.
Just as he saw in the pictures 'Hansol127' had posted about the apartment he was selling, the place was perfect. Everything white and grey but not so bright it could make you go crazy, it had a warm feeling, the kitchen was a bit small but perfect for just one person, everything had a tone of modernity in it but not the kind that's expensive.
As he walked to the full body length windows that gave view to the not so interesting city, the light hit him perfectly trough the semi transparent blinds that were being slightly pushed away by his hand.


Vernon ran up the stairs, not having time to wait for the elevator and as he got close to the door he saw it open.
He figured the guy must have entered on his own and he went to greet him.

To Vernon's surprise, the guy with angelic features and perfect long hair in a low ponytail he well knew hated his guts, was there looking more beautiful than he has ever seen before.
He closed the door slowly and got a little closer to the older, not enough to get him out of his trance.


Jeonghan turned around ready to give a smile before he saw who he was.

"Oh for fucks sake." Jeonghan's sweet aura disappeared as he tried to push the younger aside.

"Wait," Vernon ran to block the way out. The proximity with Jeonghan dazed him, as he analyzed every feature up close he struggled to talk out loud.

"Look, I really need this place so if you want to buy it I'm sorry, get your rich ass another place."

"I-I'm the one selling this place.. I'm Hansol.."

Jeonghan took a deep breath and nodded.

"Look Jeonghan I'm sorry okay? Just like yo-"

"I came here to buy the place, not to hear your bullshit. When you're up to talking business, tell Wonwoo to call me."

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