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Beast Boy's POV:

It's been three weeks of lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. The others have kept me company; Cy is always in his cheerful mind (I was kidnapped for god's sake), Starfire would ramble all day about Silkie and Robin, Robin wouldn't talk much and would go through his files all day long. But one person has been acting strangely, not just from past three weeks but since from a here. 

It was none other than the enchantress full of sarcasm; Raven.

I had never given a thought about, but lately I found lot of time to think about it. She acts strangely only towards me, it's like she knows something. Wait... does she know about my emotional breakdowns?

Shit, I forgot she is an empath. What if she knows everything?

The doors swing open to reveal Cyborg. "Good news Beasty, you are up and ready to go."

"Great." I sat on the bed, it hurts a little due to the sudden movement. I place my feet firmly to the surface of the floor and start to get up. The pain has reduced greatly, since the past weeks and I am able to walk. 

"You want to eat pizza?" Cy asked.


We walk to the main room. All the other titans were at the table.

"Oh joy! I am filled with the happiness to see you join us for the consuming of the pizza." She came and hugged me (more like trying to kill me by suffocation).

"Can't breath." She let me go and I sighed in relief.

"It's good to see you guys" I said.

"It's good to see you too, Beast boy." Robin replied with a smile.

I went and sat with Raven and cyborg. I took a slice and started eating it. 

"What is it?" I turned towards the direction of the voice only to see raven looking at me.

"What is 'what' ?" I asked with a goofy grin.

"Cut the act Beast boy. You have been acting strange since your rescue. Tell us what happened?" She said looking straight into my eyes.

"Yes friend Beast boy, even I have seen the changing in your behaviour." Starfire said with concern in her voice.

"Guys come on, I am totally fine."

"Beasty you are not okay. Please let us help you." Cyborg said.

"SHUT UP" I screamed. 

The whole place became quite. I got up and started going towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" Robin asked.

"Somewhere, none of your concern." I said and walked out of there.

I went outside and turned into a hawk. The transformation did hurt a bit, but I didn't care. This work is more important to me than anything right now.

After a few minutes  I land in front of a building. The 'MURAKAMI HIGHSCOOL'.


Hello there readers. Can anybody guess what's going to happen?

Also please tell me how the story is? Should I change anything? And a shout out to @Ozeauh .  Thank you for commenting :)

Until then bye.

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