kissing under stars

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There's not enough ray toro x readers so yeah here's some crap.

Another day at your dream job. Well not exactly... You've always wanted to be an astrophysics but for the last 3 years you've been an intern. It wasn't all that bad your mentor,Ray toro, was awesome. He was only 23 but a world renowned scientist for NASA. Ray was also your best friend.

He studied the stars and galaxies. An interesting topic indeed  it he made it better. He made jokes and doodled on important documents not caring because he was his own boss. You couldn't help but love him. In a platonic way. Right?

"Hey (y/n) me and the team were going to go star gazing and searching for signals from the Andromeda quadrant wanna come?" He asked out of breath from running across the lab, his Afro still having a small bounce affect.

"Of course, that would be awesome."  You marveled. Ray smiled wide and dragged you over to his car before getting his keys. "Wait where's the team?" You asked skeptical but hopeful that you were going alone. You and ray have gone stargazing before but it was purely for science.

"Oh their loading up but we're going ahead to get a good spot." He said taking out his CD case and putting iron maiden on. "Oh ok that makes sense" you faked a smile and nodded fastening your seatbelt.  "Rightyo let's go" he announced in getting you to laugh.

About 45 minutes and way too many jokes later you both were out of the city and it was already sunset. "We're here madam" ray said swirling his wrist and bowing with a fake accent getting his curls in his face. "Why thank you kind sir" you giggled getting out of the car.

"When do you think the rest of the team will get here?" You asked looking at the empty road. "Why would th- oh um in a bit." Ray said closing his car door. " We could watch the sunset though. We need to collect data on the solar flares and interstellar trajectory anyways." He smiled with a blanket in his hands. "Sounds good but we don't have any telescopes." You questioned looking at the still motionless, blank road.

"Oh (y/n), but we do have telescopes. There just in your face." He smiled laying out the blanket. "You can't look at the sun Mr. Smart-ass." You sassed. "Oh but you can my dear. You see the sun's wave of light reduces significantly in the early and later hours. Seeing that it's already sunset and it's not hotter than Satan's pubic hair out here I'd say it's alright to look." He said keeping a straight face tapping the tip of your nose.  "Well then okay". You smiled sitting on the blanket ray joining you.

You both sat in silence watching the sun drop and the stars rise. It really was a beautiful sight but ray didn't care he was watching you. For the past 3 years he has loved you but never had the planets to tell you. Little did he know you did too. "Hey ray what do you think star dust feels like? " you asked looking up Into the twinking abyss that was the milky way galaxy. "It can vary, I mean we all are literally and figuratively stardust." He said softly looking over the stars then back at you. "Did you just quote Neil degrasse Tyson?"  You laughed looking over at him trapped into his stare. The night stars sparked in his eyes perfectly. Like a cosmic blanket across his iris. "I guess I did (y/n), I guess I did." Without thinking you leaned in and kissed him. It was a chaste kiss but full of emotion.

"I think stardust feels like that" ray chuckled. " I'm sorry I need another sample." You smiled and he leaned in capturing your lips in his again for a more passionate kiss. You both pull away in need of oxygen but we're blushing crazily. "Ive wanted to go that for 3 fucking years" He smiled and you nodded in response still out of breath, both of your hearts beating fast. "Was the team ever going to get here?" You questioned after another few kisses. "No, I left Frank and Ronnie to take care of the lab." He smiled looking at the nebula and clusters over the horizon.

You looked over at him laughing maniacally. "What is it (y/n)?" He questioned softly. "The lab is most likely on fire if you left it with them two." You kept laughing rolling on the floor. Ray had a look of horror on his face when he realized what he had done. "I'm gonna call them" he said running over to the car but you didn't hear while you were gasping for air.

"Yellow, thank you for calling  sexy guy incorporated Frank talking." Ray sighed but still laughed at how stupid his friends are. "Iero, is my lab damaged in any way?" He asked hearing a familiar yelling in the background. "Nah man Ronnie is just playing black hole in the break room cabinets and I was watching you guys on the satellite." (I know it can't do that but pretend OK?) "Also get some of that inter galactic love toro!!!!" Frank and Ronnie yelled over the phone. " You guys are idiots but don't break my lab go to a rave or something." Ray laughed hearing coughing on the speaker. "Oh sorry I just drank some weird Shit you had in a weird cup. What were you saying  about a rave?" Frank asked. lucky the beaker had  juice and food coloring for affect in it. However ray wanted to have some fun. "It was alien blood man, and there's a rave across town." He said sarcastically but Frank didn't notice. "Ronnie get your big ass up were going to a rave. Also ray if I become a super hero I'm mentioning you in my origin story. Bye bro." He hung up quickly not giving ray a chance to say anything.

Ray turned around to you still laughing on the floor. "It wasn't that funny" he smiled sitting next to you. "Yeah it was" you sighed out after you composed your self.

After about a few minutes the stars got more intense and shined brighter than diamonds. "Will you be my girlfriend?" Ray asked bushing hard. "Does a black hole have an event horizon?"you both laughed and he kissed you heatedly again. You both sat for hours under the stars.

.hehehehe I started a new book I'm sorry sorta  but damn 1096 words is good so I'll try and update daily and I mean it. if not at least once a week byeeeeee.

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