3 because idk

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The pic of Ray above is how he looks in the story. Gucci?Gucci.

First day of senior year. Amazing and somehow entirely putrid. Not only do you have to deal with annoying final exams but you deal with people. People are the worst.

The only thing stopping you from blowing the entire school up in flames is your amazing boyfriend(can't relate) Ray. He's been there for you since day one. Techincaly his day 4 due to you not wanting to go to school on the first days but who's counting. You were lost in the halls until stange boy moving his head and watching his curls bounce was walking near. Oupon his decent to the waterfountian he saw you and took you to your class. Since then you guys were best buddies. It only got better sophomore year when you two began dating.

"Hey Ray do you have any guitar stings?" you asked with as much sweeness as you could."yeah, but why you play bass"(roll with it) he questioned confused and still unaware of your dark yet hilarious sence of humor."I know but I need one to slash anyone who looks in my direction. I take extra precaution." you firmly pointed over exaggerating the word precaution.

"Howz about no and how's about we go to the library though. You can slash with books and stuff" he tried to reason. Easily winning you over with a goofy smile. "Yeah, yeah fine" you smiled walking through mostly empty halls.

Once in the library you subtly speed walked over to the most comfortable bean bag chair trying to go without him noticing. Ray signed both of you in only to realize you were gone. "Little chair spidermonkey" he playfully spoke to himself striding over to thechairfaster than you.

Just as you see about to sit down Ray plopped down into the seat gracefully as ever with a satisfied smirk. "Oh comon, every fucking time. I swaer your fro has wings" you laughed choosing a random book and sitting in his lap. " ahh it does but nobody can know" he whispered smirking into your shoulder.

You two sat there until the school bell rang suggl93rd together."classtime" Ray said as he got up walking you to your class room. The both of you hand in hand.

Holy shit i updated absoulutly mind boggling.anyways it might be shit it might not. All I know is that it's 12:am and I gotta wake up at 4 to throw shot for track. Yay sports. Goodnight hwoomanz.🌈🌈🌌⭐😁😴

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