#2 because I'm lazy

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Narroraror pov or some swizz

"I hate work" you lazily muttered out before collapsing on your couch next to your roommate. "Work sucks I know" she smiled focusing on the television. "Don't you dare quote blink 182 right now" you sent a playful scowl towards her. "OK OK sorry, just do something you like for a bit." She retorted still captivated with an infomercial about some strong tape. "I want to paint but I don't have any" you whined remembering your incident with your clumsy self and socks. Lets just say the hardwood floors are now marble . "Then buy some" your roommate reached for her wallet and gave you her card. "Begone now" she smile before kicking you off the couch.

(y/n) pov

You got in your car blasting your favorite bands all the way to a local art shop. As on due you opened the door smelling the sting odor of paint thinner and seeing the light Brown curls bouncing. "Hey (y/n) wacha need?" "just some more paints" you said looking over to the watercolor section. "You just came for paints a few days ago, and you need more?" He asked with a confused look on his face. "A dedicated artist never stops painting." said dramatically with an exaggerated spin. Ray smiled and walked to the breakroom since business today was slow.

I ran my fingers over the various tubes of vibrant paint landing on my presious (y/f/c) . I grabbed a few colors and walked over to the counter where you could swatch colors. Grabbing a few brushes I started a small portrait of Ray. He's been my bestfriend since we were in diapers and I've liked him since high school. As difficult as it was I never confessed. Stupid yes. Fun, fuck no. He's an amazing person and is so talented but I chicken out every time I try to send signals. After thinking to myself a bit and mindlessly abusing the brushes I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"That's fucking amazing but I didn't know I was (y/f/c)." he chuckled looking over my shoulder. "Well deal with it I think you look quite better honestly." I turned and smiled at him. "Can I keep it? It really does look great (y/n) I could hang it on my wall." he pleaded. "It's not but yeah you can". His eyes widened with euphoria then dulled down a bit. " What do you mean it's not great? Listen here you are the Leonardo davinci of this time. Hanging this would not do it justice." He said in a serious tone. "Ok fine butwhy would you hang it?" I asked skepticly. "Art is in my heart and I can't pin this in my chest cavity so my wall would suffice." He said giving a goofy grin.

"Alrighty then" I turned feeling my cheeks heat up hotter than the sun.  "Hey ray?" I asked staring back at him. My voice cracking out of nervousness.
"Ye..."He couldn't finish when I leaned up and smashed my lips into his.  A long needed kiss erupted between us. After a second we pulled away both blushing redder than Satan's nipples, and smirking wider than the ocean.

"Thatle be 12.50". He smiled lighty holding his arms around my waist. "Would a date suffice?" I giggled leaning up again for another kiss. "Hmm... Sure" he laughed connecting our lips again.

I'm not dead. But my writing is. I might write more. I never have time because I just started high school and I just started driving. I'm young af though so fml. Anyways this is shot I promise I'll get better so ye have a good day night or sumthing. You beutifull hoomanz.

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