chapter 7

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About a 2 weeks later Julie and Tom left to go make wedding plans Elizabeth was more than happy for her little sister. Elizabeth has a busy day ahead of her with school almost back in session and a doctor's appointment to make sure the baby is all good.

Elizabeth made her way to town smiling at wavering to people she knows (which is most of the town's residents) soon she arrived at Dr shepherd's. "Good morning Elizabeth." Faith said with her beautiful smile. "Good morning Faith, how are you doing?" Elizabeth said walking in the room more. "I'm good, what about you?" Faith asked walking over to her. "I'm good, the baby loves to move and kick." She said putting her hand on her belly. "Dr shepherd should be here any time now." Faith said wondering here he was but as soon as she said that he walked in.
"Morning lady's. He said putting some things on his disk. "Elizabeth are you ready for your appointment?" Dr. Shepherd asked. "Yes." Elizabeth said with a smile. "Well your baby is fine." He said with a smile. "Have you thought of any names?" Dr. Shepherd asked. "No." Elizabeth said with a little sadness in her face. "Well your all set, have a good day." Faith said smiling
Next Elizabeth it was time for her and Abigail to have some tea. "Good morning Elizabeth isn't a beautiful Saturday morning?" Abigail asked as Cody was running down the stairs.
"It is." Elizabeth said with a smile.
"Cody why are you such in a hurry?" Abigail asked. "I'm meeting up with some friends to play baseball but I'm late." Cody said running around trying to leave in a hurry. "Alright have fun but be safe." Abigail said giving Cody a hug. "I will mom." He said before heading out the door. "That will be you before you know it." Abigail said smiling. Elizabeth didn't say anything other than a smile. "Have a sit, I'll get the tea." Elizabeth smiled and sat down. "So how is the baby?" Abigail said before take a sip of tea. "Good, kicking like crazy." Elizabeth said smiling. "That's good, have you thought of any names?" Abigail said before take other sip. "Well I have some ideas for a girl but I know if it's a boy I'll name him after jack." Abigail put her cup down to think. "Jack would have loved that." Abigail said with tears forming in her eyes as well has Elizabeth's. "I just wish he was here for this." Elizabeth said as one tear fell down her face.
"Me too." Abigail said with a small smile. The girls talked about other things well drinking their tea soon Elizabeth had to go get the schoolhouse ready for the first day of school on Monday. She got books and other school supplies that she would need.

Short one today but I'll be working on it more. Enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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