Chapter 3

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Today Elizabeth is getting ready to go back to teaching.
Elizabeth heard a knock on the door has she opened it she saw Rosemary, who was walking her to school.
"Good morning Elizabeth" Rosemary said with a smile. " Good morning."
"Ready to go." Rosemary said.
I nodded.  Then they were on the way to the school Elizabeth stopped at the edge of the pond looking towards the school. 
" keep em closed." Jack said guiding Elizabeth. "They are." Elizabeth replied.  "Okay open." Elizabeth looking at jack then looked out.
"Oh, Jack." To Elizabeth's surprise there was a new school house/Church.
"It needs a few finishing touches, but it'll be ready by the time school starts.
What do you think? You like it?"
"Jack you did that?" Elizabeth asked Jack. "I had help." He said with a smile.
"It's wonderful." Elizabeth was happy to be home.
"Elizabeth? Elizabeth?" Rosemary said trying to snap her out of whatever she was thinking. " I cannot do this." Elizabeth said to Rosemary before handing her basket. Then running off.
"Elizabeth?" Rosemary shouted.
Elizabeth ran to Abigail's.
"I didn't know if I can stay in hope valley." Elizabeth said crying.  Abigail pulled her into a hug and comforted her. " I know. It hurts looking around and seeing all the Memories." Elizabeth nodded as she knew what it felt like to lose a husband. "Why don't you come by the cafe on Friday after school. We can have tea and talk."
"Okay. I'm not ready to teach yet. Can you tell Rosemary for me."
" of course. Now go home and get some rest, you need it." Elizabeth nodded was she was walking out.
That night Rosemary asked if I wanted to come over for dinner I did but I didn't eat anything I'm not really hungry. But She could use the Company so she went.
"I'm glad you could join us." Rosemary said to Elizabeth still trying to cheer her up a bit. The night went on Elizabeth had dinner with the coulters. When went to bed, she missed jack still hoping it was a dream.

A.N. Sorry it took me so long But's here now. Please like and let me know what you think. Love Lila.

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