Chapter 6

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A.N Hey sorry I was crazy busy but here it is finally!!! This chapter opens up by Elizabeth wiring in her Journal

"It's been almost 5 months since my beloved jack passed on. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him and how much I miss him. It's also been 5 months since I found out I was having a baby. The baby moving all the time every time she or he moves I smile and wish that jack was here to go on this new journey with me. The kids at school love to feel the baby kick. As I set of on this new adventure in life I know with all my heart that jack is watching over him." She closed her Journal
and got ready for the day she had Rosemary take some clothes for her since nothing fit her. She heard a knock on her door and made her way downstairs. She opened the to what she thought was Rosemary or Abigail but it wasn't. "Julie!!! What are you doing here??!" Elizabeth said excited.
"I came to see you silly. Look at you." Julie said making her way in the house.
"How far along are you?" Julie asked hugging her sister. "5 months," Elizabeth said smiling. "How long are you staying?" Elizabeth asked wondering how long her sister would stay for. "2 maybe 3 weeks." Julie said looking around Elizabeth's house
"Well school is out for the summer so I'm free." Elizabeth was happy that her sister had came. Elizabeth and Julie went off to town to Abigail and get a few things. "Julie." Abigail said coming to see her. "How are you doing Abigail?" She asked before hugging her.
"Wonderful. What beings you out here?" Abigail asked. "I missed my sister and to tell you an getting married." Julie said very excited.
"Julie!! I'm so happy for you." Elizabeth was very happy for her sister that she found true love.
"Congratulations Julie I'm sure Tom is one happy guy." Abigail said smiling.
"We should go Julie, Abigail looks very busy." Elizabeth said to her sister.
"Bye Abigail." Elizabeth said walking out the door. Soon the girls made their way back to Elizabeth's house.
"Elizabeth I want you to be my maid of honor." Julie said satting down.
"Julie I would love to. Does father know?" Elizabeth asked wondering.
"Yes he does in fact he give Tom permission." Julie said has happy as she could be. "Wow. That's wonderful Julie I'm so happy for you guys." Elizabeth said smiling. "Julie came here the baby is kicking." Julie got up and quickly made her way to Elizabeth.
"That's my baby." Elizabeth said as Julie had her hand on her belly.
"I can't wait to meet him." Julie said feeling the baby kick. "You think it's a boy?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yes I do." The baby stop kicking and the girls had a wonderful evening together.

A.N What do you think? Boy or girl?
Love, Lila❤️

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