Chapter 1. Harry's Arrival

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The Weasleys and Hermione had been at the burrow for 10 days they had no idea where Harry was.
" Where is he?" Ginny said (A/N This was one of the only times she had come out of her room she knew he was coming because Harry owled Ron)in a worried voice while pacing up and down the living room. Ron and Hermione were sitting on the couch,  Hermione reading while Ron played with her hair.
"Don't worry sis," Ron said trying to comfort her
"Harry said he would be here by no-" Ginny didn't get to finish her sentence when there was a knock on the door. Ginny raced to the door and when she opened it she saw Harry. Was Ginny meant to be furious or Glad, but before she knew it she had flung her arms around Harry and hugged him. After a couple of minutes hugging Ginny let her second thought out.
" WHERE IN THE WORLD WERE YOU LEAVING US SITTING HERE LIKE DUCKS WONDERING IF A DEATH EATER GOT YOU! " She stormed to her room leaving Harry shocked about what happened, glad she hugged him and guilty for not showing his face sooner. A couple more minutes of silence past Harry still by the door with a shocked look on his face and Mione and Ron on the couch shocked as well until Ron said to Harry.
"Sorry 'bout that mate,  she has been acting different since the war," when he said different his face changed. Harry,  who still loved her,  asked
" What do you mean different?" with a worried look on his face Hermione answered
" Well...  She only comes out for meals, never talks to anyone and.. I have to sleep in Ron's room as she will only let two people in there her mum and... "
" And who Hermione" Harry said eagerly she replied with.
" You"
"Me," Harry said the same time Ron said
" Yes Ronald, I said Harry" she now faced Harry " You better see her, she's a wreck without you, Harry" she said with worried look on her face Harry nodded an OK and with that he went up the stairs about to knock on Ginny's door only to hear something on the other side of the door.

Harry Potter And The Return Of The Dead// 2019 WattysWhere stories live. Discover now