Chapter 5 Unexpected Visitors

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Still In a mysterious place

"Where would he be?" The man before asked

" Since I was the last one to go I know that he would be at the burrow, trust me." And with that someone sent a patrounus to look and came back saying Harry was there.

"Well we know Harry is at the burrow so when will we see him?" The man asked, the girl from before answered.

"Tonight" She said " I want to see him" They all nodded and another man said.

" Tonight it is. Mischief managed" Laughter erupted around the room.

"Really?" Said a slow misty man voice 



Harry's POV

Once everyone finished congratulating me and Ginny, I wanted to go to Godric's Hollow to show Ginny were I was born and were my parents are so I took her outside to ask her.

" Hey Gin.." I started to think how I was going to ask her 

" Of course I will go with you Harry, and before you ask" she said that because I had a questioning look on my face. " Remember we can read each others mind"  That made it a lot easier for me and with that Ginny told her Mum where we were going and we apparated to Godric's hollow. 


Harry's POV

Ginny looked shocked as the place was destroyed I decided to ask her if she wanted to go to either my parents grave, the statue or the potter cottage first 

" uh... The Statue then the house and lastly the grave" 

" OK" I answered. We headed towards the statue and she saw this

" Oh Harry" she started to get teary and she put her head on my shoulder I started to get tears too

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" Oh Harry" she started to get teary and she put her head on my shoulder I started to get tears too.

"Come on let's go to the house" She nodded and we went

Ginny was shocked as she saw where my parents died and where I spent 1 year and 3 months of my life. 

" Do you want to go inside?" I asked breaking the silence she nodded as I lead her to the door  we saw a light on. 

" Should we grab our wands out Harry?" I stood their for a moment thinking, lat time there was the nursery's light on but now their is more than one.

"Harry.. Harry.. HARRY!!" 

" AH! oh sorry Gin" she obviously had noticed that I was in a trance "Wands at the ready" she nodded and got her wand.

We entered the house to find parchment laid across the table all about.. Me.

"Harry, what's going on" Ginny asked coming to my side reading the parchment

"Harry. Let's see the rest of the house?" I nodded too shocked to say anything. We went up stairs to my parents old bedroom to see that it had been recently used  we were a bit shocked so we moved to were it my life fell, my bedroom.

"Oh, Harry I never imagined it to be this bad I'm so sorry." She took me into a hug and we stayed that way for a couple of minutes and when we let go we sat on the floor looking and sometimes   playing with my old toys. Finally after maybe 10-15 minutes I said.

" Do you want to go to the cemetery now?"

"Sure." We stood up hands locked together and wands in the other. When we got to my parents graves there was dirt everywhere and the coffins were empty 

"No.. is someone trying to take my parents away from me twice now!" I said much more loudly then I hoped, but I couldn't help it and for one of the first times I fell to my knee's and cried.

After an hour we decided to go back to the burrow. We got back about 2-3 hours before dinner so we decided to go in Ginny's room and talk. We talked about Hogwarts, quidditch and I told her about Hermione,Ron and my adventure on the past. I left the part out about Ron.


"Ready James?" The girl asked. 

"Yes, Lily" James said.

"What are we prongs next door-neighbors!?" A voice said pointing to himself and another person then pointed to the other.

" Sorry Padfoot, Moony and Sniv- Severus" James said. He nearly said Snivellus  (like him and his friends did at school) before Lily gave him a death glare. 


"Always" they all said


"Yes Prongs" Padfoot said.

" Alright on the count of three.. 1...2..3!"

knock, knock,knock

Inside the burrow

knock, knock,knock

"Coming Coming" Mrs. Weasley said coming out from the kitchen, she opened the door to.

"Lily, James, Sirius, Remus and Severus" She said Severus  with an evil tone but not to evil 

"uh.. Do you want me to get Harry" Molly said confused 

" Well." Sirius started " Why don't you test us with veritaserum knowing Harry"

"Yes. Severus you got some"


-Time Lapse to after veritaserum testing-

 " I'll get Harry now"

" Yes please" Lily said jumping up and down.

When Mrs. Weasley comes down stairs she opens the door and Harry see's His Parents first ( They thought seeing them all would be too much so they started with parents)

Harry's POV

" Mum, Dad" I say and before I know it 

I black out


Sorry for the wait I will try and update tomorrow but I have school too.

Ya fellow Potterhead

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