Harry' Life story Chapter 7

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A/N I am horrible at writing memories so I wont, I will write the reactions of first year and after war. Hope you enjoy

Harry's POV

Today I am showing my parents, the weasley's, Lupin's, Hermione and Sirius my life story. I am a bit worried, I hate these memories but they need to know. 

" You ready Harry?" Ginny asks stretching her hand out for me to get up of the couch as my back hurts from fallen when I blacked out. I took her hand and nodded my head

" Prongslet you sure you want us to see your memories?" James asked his son ME

"Yea- Wait did you just call me Prongslet?" I asked my father

"Yeah, we did it when you were little" Dad replied and made me blush

" Oh, Baby prongslet is blushing" Sirius teased him with a baby voice .

" Shut up Sirius" Dad and I said together

" Any way Time for you to watch my memories 

While they watch me being abused by the Dursley's James and Lily RAGE that I should of gone to Sirius. Other wise they laugh at the 'It's LeviOsa not levioSAAA'  Hermione and Ron blush at this and Ron and me get smacked in the the back of the head from our mothers with the marauders (including Fred and George )laughing on the ground while our mothers give them glares.

-------------- SKIPPING TO AFTER WAR MEMORY------------------

"Oh, Harry" Mrs. Weasley, Mum, Hermione, Ginny and Dora were all in tears and hugged ( but I say strangled) me.

" Can't...... Breath............" 

"Sorry Harry" they said in unison. Dad came over and gave me a hug and said.

" You were so brave ,son, I am sorry we were not with you"

" It's OK Dad I am just glad you're here now" I said and gave him another hug.

Everyone was saying how brave I was to deal with the Dursley's but no one was more angry than Mum she was as red as her hair but I knew how to cheer her up

" Hey, Mum"

"Yes, sweetie" She said less red than before. I hugged her I knew a hug to most people would only help a little but seeing that she hadn't hugged me for 17 years a hug did a lot. After a couple of minutes Dad joined in the family hug then Ginny, Hermione, Sirius, Remus, Dora and then everyone joined in 

" Thank you" I said

"Why are you thanking us son?" Dad asked 

" For being there for me, even after death, Mum, sacrificed herself for me and with that protection Voldemort couldn't touch me until 4th year that is and I couldn't go by anyone that knew mum, thew would say ' You have your mothers eyes' ."

Mum hugged me then I turned to Dad.

" Dad, everyone who saw me saw you so you really never left. Everyone said I was so like you and I was proud to be your son." 

Dad hugged me then I turned Remus

"Remus, you were the first and only decent defense against the dark arts profes-" My Dad cut me of mid-sentence 

"PROFESSOR LUPIN HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH we joked about him becoming a professor when we were at school we didn't think he actually was going to be one" Dad and Sirius were laughing then Mum smacked them in the back of the head.

"Anyway you were the first and only decent DADA professor and taught me the patronus charm at 13 and were above all a really good person and told me the truth about that traitor and Sirius"

Remus gave me a hug and then I turned to Sirius

"Sirius, you and Remus were the two people that knew everything abut my Dad and told me about him and you even thought of me as my father. You are a very great person and best godfather anyone could ask for - apart from me of course"

" YOUR A GODFATHER!!!!!!" Everyone in the room apart from Remus, Dora, Ginny and me screamed and Dora answered 

"He is the godfather of Edward Remus Lupin or Teddy, me and Remus's son"

" WHAT!!!" They all screamed again apart from us four 

" Anyway" I said

" Dora, you are one of the most specialist person I've meet. I still remember the first time I meet you, you were so clumsy and brilliant person you brought me from Privet drive to grimmauld place" 

She gave me a hug then turned to Hermione 

" Hermione when I first meet you, you came and asked if we had saw a toad and then realized I was Harry Potter, you have saved my life on countless occasions and you are like the sister I never had"

She gave me a hug and said "You are like the brother I never had"

I then turned to Severus.

"Professor Severus Snape the first time I met you I dreaded potions for the rest of my time until I learned the truth about you in fact I still have some of it left anyone interested in watching this" They all nodded eagerly.

A/N Sorry the video is in 2 I could only find it this way the full version was blurry and you could not see a thing

"Oh, Severus" Lily hugged her old friend and James didn't mind 

" And now the weasley's, you have been family to me since my first day when Mrs. Weasley showed me how to use the platform, All of you have been a big part of my life. Mr and Mrs. Weasley you have been my parents to me Charlie, helped with the tri-wizard tournament and helped me with Hagrid. Bill, you and Fleur provided a place for some of the wounded after me, Hermione and Ron's big adventure. Percy you were a great Head Boy and prefect at school and after betrayal you returned to what you knew was right. Fred and George you were always there when someone was down and you cheered them up. Ron you were my best friend since we got in the compartment to Hogwarts and Ginny, the youngest and only Daughter. You were so shy when I fist meet you and I saved you from the chamber of secrets and you are an excellent quidditch player and over all an amazing person."

Once I finished everyone even me was in tears I was so Happy we did one more big family hug.

Hey guys thanks for reading this. I will be updating often it is the school holidays right now so maybe 5-7 chapters or updates and thank you for ready this this Update is 1,100 words.

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