Chapter 12. Best Birthday ever

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A/N I am skipping  5 years so making Ginny turn 22 and the golden trio are 23. It is also Ginny's birthday.

Ginny's POV

I woke to see Harry wasn't in the spare bed. I wondered were he was so I got up and got dressed and mad my way down stairs. I looked at my muggle watch Hermione got me a few years ago for my birthday I read the time. 10:30 am. I walk down the stairs and before my foot can touch the floor everyone jumps up.

"SURPRISE!!" They all yell I'm shocked for words. Mum comes over and gives me her famous bone-crashing-hug. 

" Come Ginny you've got presents." I feel like a kid again  She leads me to the couch were a  5 year old Teddy comes up on my lap followed by a 3 year old Victoire. Mum hands me here present all the Presents I get are.

Mum and Dad: A new dress

Charlie: The latest broom A firebolt 5000.

Bill, Fleur and Victoire: A new Pygmy Puff.

Percy: A quidditch poster of the Holy Head Harpies with me in it. 

I had a laugh out of that

Fred and George: Pranking Supplies from their store.

Ron and Hermione: Quidditch, through the ages.

Harry: A necklace with a horse and stag . The Horse with brown eyes and the Stag with green.

Remus, Dora and Teddy: Chocolate and photo album.

Sirius: A photo of James and Sirius ambushing on Harry and me Kissing.

James and Lily: A photo of Harry as a baby with me and then now.

And Severus didn't know what to get me so he gave me some galleons.

" I have another present for you, love" Harry said coming to the front.

"Yes?" I said cheekily and before I knew it Harry was down on one knee and had a beautiful ring in his hand.

" Ginevra Molly Weasley, From the moment I saw you at platform nine and three quarters I loved you and I still remember the little girl that said  oh, mum, can I go on the train and see him , mum, oh please  eager to see the boy who lived. And when you got taken down to the chamber of secrets, I was just as worried as your brothers, I remember when I got down there I knelt next to you and started crying over you cold frozen body. I remember our first kiss, after Gryffindor had won the house cup, you had the cup in your hand an ran start to me, and even though there were about 50 people there, and with out thinking about it, we kissed, gosh it must of been special if Ron didn't try to kill me" Everyone had a little laugh, then Harry continued " And, you were the only person I knew that liked me for me not the boy who lived, triwizard champion, The Chosen one, Master of death,  you name it but that didn't matter to you,you loved me for me, so, Ginevra Molly Weasley will you marry me?" by now ALL the girls had tears in their eyes especially me. James and Sirius had tears also, well everyone.

"Yes, I will marry you" I said teary eyed he slipped the ring on my finger and stood up and I launched myself on him and kissed him, I'm surprised that Ron wasn't launching himself on Harry but instead he had tears in his eyes as well. When we broke the kiss we stared  into each others eyes, then our parents plus Sirius and Remus came over and when James, Sirius and Remus came over well it was chaotic. 

Harry's P.O.V

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA GINNY IS GOING TO MARRY ME!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no here come My Parents and Remus and Sirius. OH NO PREPARE FOR TORTURE!!!!!!!!!😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵😵

James's P.O.V


" Aw, My little Prongslet is getting married" I say as us marauders pinch his cheeks. this is SO much fun.

"Dad, Pafoot ,Uncle Remy stop" He wines like a baby. THIS IS GOING TO GET SO MUCH MORE FUN.

"aw does baby potter need his nap" I say as Sirius puts Harry on my back.

"NO!" Gosh he sounds like he did when he was little.

"Lily, he wont go down for his nap" I wine like the old day's, now I realize everyone is watching, and Lily plays along. She walks over to Harry and talks baby to him while she rubs his head.

"Would my little Baby like a story?" But Harry must of been tired, as he was asleep with his head on my shoulder while sucking his thumb.

"I think he doesn't need it anymore honey he's asleep all ready" I say tilting my head to my 23-year-old son asleep on my shoulder. That sounds weird.

"Bring him upstairs Jamsy-Poo" And with that I take him upstairs. But when I come back downstairs I say

" Did you call me Jamsy-Poo!???!!" 

"Yup Jamsy-Poo" Lily says then gives me a kiss. 

Harry's P.O.V

I wake up suddenly realizing I feel asleep on Dad I get up and go downstairs to have EVERYONE stair at me so I did

"WHAT YOU LOOKING AT!" I say in a baby voice then run over to my Dad. I see Mum go over to Ginny and say " Good luck with that one, Ginny, I already have him" Pointing to Dad.

"HEY" Me and Dad say together.

"Boys" Ginny and Mum say together. 

" So.." I say to Ginny walking over to her " How did you like the day?" I ask with the famous marauders smirk on my face 

" Best Birthday ever" She says and kiss's me then I hear in the background from the other marauders.


Really, oh well at least Ginny got a brilliant birthday and I acted like a child.

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