Chapter 18: Golden Trio are all Parents.

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4 Months Later

Ron's P.O.V

I can't believe that Harry and Ginny are PARENTS and That Mione and me will be IN 2 WEEKS! Speaking of Mione, she is feeling okay but asking for weird food's like chocolate cucumbers? 

" RON COME HERE QUICK AH" Hermione yells I run upstairs to her she is clutching the side of the bed.

" It's time" She says quietly. 

" OK I will grab the bag, I will be quick I promise" I say and run to the baby's room and grab the bag.

" Owl Harry and Ginny and tell them to tell everyone else" Hermione says breathing heavily. I nod and write as quickly as possible.

 Harry, Ginny,

Hermione is having the baby met us at St Mungos and tell everyone else


 I send it of and get Hermione to St Mungos.

Ginny's P.O.V

I walk into the kitchen after putting the twins to sleep and Harry is at work so I have some me time something I haven't had in a long ti- BANG  An owl hits the window but not any owl RON AND MIONE'S OWL I rush to it and open the window I read the letter,

 Harry, Ginny,

Hermione is having the baby met us at St Mungos and tell everyone else


I get my wand and send a patronus to Harry and to my family, I get the twins and get their  bag and floo St Mungos and ask for Hermione's Room. The lady was really nice and offered to take the twins for me while I see Mione I said yes and headed to see Mione.

Harry's P.O.V 

 I was in my office looking at some papers and talking to Dad and Sirius when Ginny's Patronus comes in and tells me.

' Harry, Hermione is in St Mungo's please come quickly and can you send a patronus to everyone else.


Dad, Sirius and I just look at each other  before I send a patronus and we leave. Once we get to St Mungo's everyone else is there and Ginny comes out.

" Gin any news?" I ask her.

" They said about half an hour till she can start and she wants Mum and me and you" She said the last bit strangely. 

"OK, does she want us now?"

" Um.. Ya" 

"OK" And with that we head to Hermione's room. 



It is still hard to believe that the golden trio, three students ALWAYS getting into trouble always escaping death and  were being hunted down by Voldemort and his death eaters for a year, would be parents.

Ginny and I with Lucas and Jacob

And Hermione and Ron with Rose Kate Weasley, one of many Weasley's.

The Golden Trio are now all parents

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