Chapter 9- Possessed

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Jimin Point of view

I tried to close my eyes, the sight was too much for me to handle. I knew he was cruel, but I didn't want to witness it myself. 

"Idiot! I need you to see, open your eyes at once!" The coldness in my own voice surprised me. I don't think I will ever get used to it. Shivers ran down my spine as I remembered our first meeting. 

Intense burning pain spread from the moment my hand started to fade into nothing. It got worse and worse until

 he appeared...

He was standing right in front of me, in the middle of the darkness. Black soulless eyes were piercing deeply into mine. His jawline was sharp, and his nose soft around the edges. A way too pleased smirk made its way across his face.

"So, you are my new roommate" a mechanical laugh followed his weird announcement. I  lifted my eyebrow in confusion. 

 "What the hell are you talking about?"

 I didn't have the time or patience to deal with him. Y/N could be dead by now. He clapped his hands together and took a deep breath.

"Oh well, this is new, no who are you? or what do you want? " his icy laugh filled the emptiness up, along with my last bit of patience. He looked like a maniac who couldn't control himself. 

I clenched my jaw in anger.

 This shit is standing in my way

and I ain't having it.

"Okay, look I have no idea about who you are, or what you want, but I don't have the time to deal with you!"

His laugh quickly died down. He tilted his head a little to the side.

"Why don't you leave then? I mean if you can't deal with me, then go" He crossed his arms and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I was just about to turn around when it hit me.

Where am I?

I quickly looked around realizing, that I was in the middle of absolutely, nowhere. Everything was pitch black, but something was surrounding us. I ran to the right, only to find my self in the exact same spot. 

It was a never-ending room. It didn't matter how far I ran. I would only move a little bit before I came back to the same spot.

"Will you stop running around? I mean, you must see how pointless it is?" He didn't look too pleased by my stubbornness.

"Okay, who are you then?!" My annoyed outburst seemed to have caught his attention. He smirked once more and held his hand out. 

"My name is Kai, nice to meet you" I reached out for his hand.

" name is Jimin" Something about him seemed way off.

"So, I guess I have to tell you the deal" I slowly nod my head in approval. 

"I was sent here to tell you the price you have to pay, In order to save your...what shall we call it, friend?" He tilted his head slightly.

"Can you hurry up? She is KIND of dying!!" I was getting more and more desperate. My heart felt completely numb. It was freaking me out, not being able to tell what she was going through. 

"Look, this is a long process if you don't agree, I can't help" He looked extremely annoyed, rolling his eyes. 

And then it happened,

 I felt it, her heart screamed out loud. I collapsed, It was as if someone was squeezing my heart from the inside. 

She didn't have much time left.


He had an unreadable expression on.

"Do you accept the price?"

My heart was killing me, the only thing that was on my mind at that moment was Y/N.


He slowly walked over to me and grabbed my right hand.

He pulled me close to him and whispered.


Flames blinded me, along with flashes of my childhood. Every memory flashed before me and disappeared. I saw Tae numerous times. We did spend all of our childhood together. The last memory I saw, was the two of us moving in together.

With my last breath, I managed to form a sentence.

"what was the price?"

His icy whisper went all the way through the flames.

"Your existence" 

Authors note:

Hello, guys, I am back! sorry for not updating. I hoped you enjoyed today's chapter :3

please follow, vote and comment for more! :3 it makes me so happy especially when you guys comment :) 

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