Introduction & Rules

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Welcome, roleplayers!

I'll keep it simple :)
This is a Medieval Fantasy role-play where you can play anything or anyone.
Naturally, before the fun can begin, we need to set up some rules first.

1) No God-modding or controlling other characters
This means absolutely no overpowering characters. No balanced spirits, incarnations of death, world eaters or Gods. No killing or controlling other peoples' characters!!
You get what i mean.

2) No Mary-sues
Essentially, this means that no character can have the perfect personality! There must be defining traits in your form to cause in you and anther characters relationship.
Truth be told, perfect people are boring ;)

3) Don't take it personally!
Too often do people take a characters actions personally. This leads to that person ruining the role-play. We're all here to have fun!
Progress, make things happen! Conflicting characters make things all the better in context of an ultimate story.

4) Role-play in 3rd person, please
So we all understand each-other :)

5) Paragraphs
This is not a definite rule, but i really want to make it one. Don't you just hate it when people respond with less than 5 sentences? I know i do. No one liners, thank you.

6) Plan
Before you start roleplaying, make sure you have at least one buddy to start with. This rule is for the first stages of this book, meaning the time before it becomes popular.
First find a person you want to role-play with (either by looking at the comments or tagging) before filling a form.
You are welcome to role-play with me.

7) Fill in a form!
You must fully fill in a form on the form chapter, in the said order as well. This will be your...audition. Relax, it's not that uptight, but see it as a test to demonstrate your descriptive abilities. P.s the password is any line from the first Shrek movie.

8) Have fun!
Seriously, i will stab a person if i catch you having not-fun.

9) No bullying outside RP!
A$$hats belong in the trash.

Information on the kingdoms will be in the next part.

A/N love each other, respect all life

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