↠Return of an old friend

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We were a week in Rivendell now and lord Elrond still wouldn't tell me who was coming to see me. I laid on my bed, bored as hell.

What do the elves around here?

I decided to teach Dis some fight moves and stood up. I changed into a regular tunic and pants and took my weapons. I walked out of my room and knocked on Dis' door.

"Come in!"

I walked into the room, finding Dis' reading a book.

I raised my eyebrow. "Is it that bad?"

She sighed and threw the book away. "Unfortunately, yes, but by the look on your face, you're about to do something."

I grinned. "I confess. Come, pull on some training tunic and meet me on the training grounds in five. I'm going to get Tauriel."

She nodded and I went off, trying to find the red haired elleth.

I found her admiring the garden and the sky. I grinned. "Enjoying the fresh air?"

She jumped up and turned around to looked at me. "Keira! I didn't hear you coming and yes, I was."

I grinned. "I guess you couldn't really admire the sky in Mirkwood."

She shrugged. "I climbed into the trees from time to time, but that was different. Anyway, you need something?"

I smiled, she was always getting to the point.

"Well, I wondered if you would like to join Dis and I on the training grounds. I'm sure there are some thing we could learn from each other."

Her eyes lit up and she nodded. "Sure, I'm just gonna grab my stuff and I'm gonna meet you there."

I nodded and she ran towards her room. I watched her go, smiling because I had such great friends. My expression saddened and my eyes became dull, when I was thinking of Thorin.

"Keira! Over here!" I heard a voice scream. I shook my head and turned towards the scream. Dis stood with a simple sword on the training grounds.

Her eyes lit up when I approached her. "So, what now?" She asked.

I unsheathed my sword and stood steady. "Now I'm going to teach you the basics of the swordsmanship."

Her eyes widened. "No. Not in your condition."

I raised my eyebrow, a little offended. "What do you mean? My belly isn't even that big!"

She put her sword away and crossed her arms stubbornly. "I'm not going to do it."

I frowned, irritated because of the stubbornness of the she dwarf, and turned around when I heard Tauriels running footsteps. "You can teach Dis. She won't allow me because I'm with child."

She looked at me with pity and put her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe it's for the best."

"Not you too!" I said, throwing my arms in the air. "Fine! I'm going!" I stormed off, leaving the Dis and Tauriel in the company of each other.

I mocked through the gardens when I heard a horse riding into Rivendell. My curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to the entrance.

As soon as I saw who had arrived, I squealed and jumped into his open arms.



He put me back down. "Well look at you!" She scanned with his eyes my body to see if everything was still there. "When I heard of the battle, I thought the worst."

He pulled me back into his arms and I could hear him sigh I'm relieve. I pulled away and he looked at me sternly. "I was so worried about you, you have some explaining to do young lady."

I grinned innocently. "Well, you may want to sit for this."

He raised his eyebrow and I leaded him to a bank. "Here," I began, "sit down."

He did what I told him and I took a deep breath to start the story. I told him everything, from the meeting in Bree to Thorin's burial.

"And that's when I decided I couldn't stay there," I finished, a tear was rolling from my face.

He stayed silent for a couple of minutes and I was afraid he was going to be mad at me for marrying a man I knew for just a year and being with his child.

I nervously fretted with my tunic.

Say something.



He blinked a few times, breathed deep in and opened his mouth.

"How are you?"

My mouth fell open and my eyes were wide open.

"Wha- are you not mad at me?"

He frowned and smiled slightly. "Why would I be mad at you?"

"Because I married a man I knew like a year and I am with his child?" I told him.

He laughed. "My dear Keira, from what you just told me, you just followed your heart. There is nothing wrong with that."

I smiled widely for the first time in what felt like ages.

Arathorn was by my side and as long as he was here with me, I could do anything.

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