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To say I was big, was an understatement. I was huge. I was almost nine months with child and I couldn't even properly get up. I innerly cursed myself for not leaving for Erebor sooner. Arathorn's unexpected arrival had made the time go faster and now it was too late.

Arathorn had left that morning to return back North. Elladan and Elrohir were to accompany him. Arwen sat with me in my room, I quite liked the dark haired she elf.

Tauriel was with Dis outside on the training field and I didn't know where my brothers or Carden were.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a horn.

They couldn't be back already, they just left! I stood up out of my chair, which was a real challenge, and Arwen stood quickly by my side to guide me outside.

I saw Elladan and Elrohir galloping through the gate with the body of a man. My mouth fell open and my eyes watered when I recognized the dark brown hair.

No.  Not him. Not again.

Elladan and Elrohir gently put the body down and I rushed over. I turned the body around and gasped when I saw an arrow piercing through his eye. I quickly checked if he had a heartbeat but Elladan stopped me. I looked at him and he shook slightly is head.

I screamed and put my head into his chest. I had lost him. I had lost someone I care deeply about. Again. I couldn't take this anymore. I could feel water streaming down my legs and I looked up in fear.

My eyes met Arwen's who immediately saw the waters. Her eyes widened. "Elladan! Get Ada! Keira's baby is coming!"

I sobbed, mourning about the man I could call my friend and because I was afraid to give birth. Arwen kneeled down beside me and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"It's going to be alright."

I looked into her blue eyes.

"You think so?"

She smiled slightly. "I know so." She carefully leaded me from Arathorn's dead body and I tried not to look back.

She leaded me to my chamber and laid me down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling, still shocked about what just had happened.

My whole world happened slowly. Daylor and Faelar who ran in and rushed by my side, their expressions full of worry. Lord Elrond who came into the camber, looking also very worried. Tauriel, Dis and Carden who stood in the back of the chamber, looking at the scene with wide eyes of fear.

I breathed in deeply when the pain began and gripped onto the hands of my brothers.

Dis moved towards me. "You are doing fine Keira, you can almost push."

I gritted my teeth. Oh Durin, please let it be over soon.

3rd person POV
Keira laid sweating on bed, gripping the hands of both her brothers. Dis rolled up her sleeves and wiped some sweat from her forehead.

"Tauriel," the she dwarf began, "I need you beside me to give me everything I need."

The elleth nodded and stood in a second by Dis' side.

Carden backed away, fear in his eyes. He could feel everything his soulmate felt and he wasn't pleased with it. He hoped it would soon be over because his other half was getting tired with every second.

Keira screamed out and Dis stood ready. "Okay, Keira, you can push!"

Keira gritted her teeth, already tired of all the pain, but pushed nonetheless.

"I can see its head! You're doing great! Keep pushing!" Dis said while holding her hands ready.

Keira squeezed very tight into Daylor and Faelar's hands and sighed relieved when she could hear the baby's cries.

Dis took the baby and gave it to Tauriel. "Here, wrap it up." She looked back at Keira, who was screaming again. "The second is coming."

Everyone, including Keira, fell silent.

"The second one?" Keira repeated, gritting her teeth. "You mean I'll have twins?!"

Dis nodded. "Yeah, we'll discuss that later. You have to push now."

Daylor and Faelar exchanged a look. They were happy with the news but also worried about their sister. She could hold it much longer.

"Come on, sis," Daylor encouraged the woman, while Faelar was wiping the sweat of her forehead. "It's almost over."

The red haired woman nodded, pushed with all the strength she had left and smiled exhaustingly when another cry was heard.

Dis took the baby and wrapped it up. Together with Tauriel, they laid the baby's in Keira's arm.

"Congratulations, Keira, you have a beautiful son and daughter."

Keira smiled at the two baby's and kissed them each on the forehead.

"Your father would have been so proud," she whispered.

Daylor and Faelar backed away and stood beside the elleth and the she dwarf, giving the red haired time to get to know her children.

Carden carefully stepped forward towards Keira. Keira looked up when he approached her and smiled. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Carden bowed with sparkling eyes, feeling the joy Keira felt. "They certainly are."

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