↠ Epilogue

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Forty years had passed since that day. Since then, I had visited Bilbo a couple of times and met Frodo along the way.

I hadn't seen Aragorn since the battle, I did however expected to see him on Thengel's funeral.

I sighed, thinking about that day. I would miss Thengel. Living longer than any mortal man had its ups and downs. But I knew that Théoden would be a great king. He married the woman he loved and together they got a son, Théodred.

Théodwyn had died of illness and her husband was slain. Their children Éomer and Éowyn lived now with Théoden.

I went with my hand over my face. All this death, it was exhausting. I stood up, ready to start my day, when someone knocked on the door.

I opened it and saw Dwalin standing there with a letter in his hands, his face rather worried.

"It's a letter, from Gandalf," he said. I accepted the letter and broke the seal. I unfolded it and started reading.


The One Ring has been found, it's been in Bilbo's possession for almost sixty years. I have convinced Bilbo to give the Ring to Frodo, he's now off to live with the elves.

Keira, they're coming. They'll never stop until they've got the One Ring. You know whom I speaking off. Black as the night and there are nine of them.

I have send Frodo to meet me in Bree but I'll need your help defending him against those fool creatures.

We may have won The Battle Of The Five Armies, but we certainly haven't yet won the battle of Middle Earth.

Hope to see you soon. Be safe. Trust no one.


My lips parted. This cannot be true. My head snapped up at Dwalin. "Get the Company and meet me in the dining room."

He nodded and took off. I sighed and looked back at the letter.

Oh Bilbo, what have you done?

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