The Ghost Crew poisned

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After a supply run on Lothal, the Ghost Crew got captured but Ezra and Hera were the only ones that didn't get captured. Kanan, Zeb and Sabine got turned to the darkside. Ezra was on Coruscant with his sister Nora, Anakin and Ahsoka when Kanan, Sabine and Zeb showed up.

"Kanan, your alright" Ahsoka said but she got no response.

Kanan activated his new red lightsaber and Sabine activated her darksaber.

"Nora, stay behind us" Ezra said as the three activated their lightsabers.

Kanan and Ahsoka were fighting each other while Anakin and Ezra was fighting Zeb . Sabine attempted to shot Nora but Ezra jumped in front of her so he could save her but ended up getting shot in the back and fell to the floor. Anakin and Ahsoka reversed the poison and Kanan, Sabine and Zeb deactivated their weapons and went into The Phantom while Nora, Anakin and Ashoka Helped Ezra onto the Cruiser.

20 minutes later Sabine walked into the common room where she saw Hera looking pissed off.

"WHAT DID YOU DO"? Hera asked at the top of her voice.

"What?" Sabine asked back.

"GO THE THE MEDBAY THEN LEAVE THE SYSTEM!" Hera yelled as Sabine did.

Sabine arrived at the medbay to see Ezra in the bed and Nora sitting next to him.

"Hey Sabine" Nora greeted Sabine as she waked in.

"Are you gonna yell and tell me to leave they system?" Sabine asked?

"No, I forgive you and I know that you were poisoned" Nora replied as she hugged Sabine.

Suddenly Ezra was waking up and Hera walked in.


"Why does she have to leave? Ezra asked.

"Cause she almost killed you" Hera replied as Sabine started to leave the room.

"Hera, she wasn't herself, she was poisoned by the Empire" Ezra said as he started to cry.

"Sabine" Hera said.

"Yes?" Sabine asked.

"i'm sorry, I was wrong, stay with us" Hera said.

"I will stay Sabine said back as she started to hug Ezra.

That night Ezra, Sabine and Nora were stargazing in the grass of Yavin 4 and started singing.


I'm just a step away

I'm just a breath away

Losin' my faith today

(Fallin' off the edge today)

I am just a man

Not superhuman

(I'm not superhuman)

Someone save me from the hate

(All Three)

It's just another war

Just another family torn

(Falling from my faith today)

Just a step from the edge

Just another day in the world we live

I need a hero to save me now

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