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3 days after Nora's funeral, Ezra hasn't come out of his, Sabine and Nora's room and Sabine was the only that was allowed to go in to stay with her boyfriend.

"Ezra?" Are you ok Sabine asked as she walked into the room.
"I miss Nora soo much Sabine" Ezra replied".

"I miss her too babe" Sabine said as she gave Ezra a hug.

(! hour later)

The two teenage lovers went to walk around Lothals streets when John Cooper, Koery Cooper, Jen Ledger and Seth Morrison spots them.

"Hey Ezra and Sabine" John greeted them.

"Hey guys, how are you?" Sabine asked

"We are good, How are you?" asked Jen.

"I'm good and my boyfriend is really upset" Sabine replied.

"Why? and where is Nora?" Seth asked.

"Gone" Ezra replied as he started crying.

"I'm sorry for you Ezra" Jen replied as she went to hug him.

"What is your mother and father's name?" Koery asked.

"Maria and Ephraim Bridger" Ezra replied.

"I told you, remember them"John replied.

After talking to the members of Skillet for a while, a ghost of Maria Bridger, Ephraim Bridger and Nora Bridger appeared.

"Mom, Dad, Nora?" Ezra asked.

"Our beautiful boy" Maria and Ephraim replied at the same time.

"Big brother" Nora said.

After speaking to Ezra's family the two teenager lovers and Skillet went to the base.

"Kanan, Hera, Zeb, nice to see you guys again" Jen said.

"Right back at ya" Zeb said.

"When and where is your next show?" Hera asked.

"On a planet called Mandalore" John replied.

"I'M GOING HOME" Sabine yelled.

"Yes you are babe" Ezra said.

"We were just about to go there tomorrow, when is it?" Kanan asked.

"In 3 days" Seth replied.

"We will give you a ride there" Zeb said.

"Thank you" Koery replied.

1 day later, The Ghost crew went to Mandalore with Skillet, when they landed they were greeted by Ursa and Tristan. When Hera, Kanan, Zeb, Ezra and Sabine walked down the ramp, Everyone heard Skillet singing rise, They had their instruments.

All I see is shattered pieces
I can't keep it hidden like a secret
I can't look away!
From all this pain in the world we made!

Every day you need a bulletproof vest
To save yourself from what you could never guess!
Am I safe today?
When I step outside in the wars we wage!

Our future's here and now
Here comes the countdown!

Sound it off, this is the call!
Rise in revolution!
It's our time to change it all
Rise in revolution!
Unite and fight, to make a better life!
Everybody one for all
Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!

Tonight we rise
Tonight we rise!

Like a hand grenade thrown in a hurricane
Spinning in chaos, trying to escape the flame
Yesterday is gone!
Faster than the blast of a car bomb!

And when the scars heal, the pain passes
As hope burns, we rise from the ashes!
Darkness fades away!
And the light shines on a brave new day!

Our future's here and now
Here comes the countdown!

Sound it off, this is the call!
Rise in revolution!
It's our time to change it all
Rise in revolution!
Unite and fight to make a better life!
Everybody one for all
Sound off, this is the call, tonight we rise!

Tonight we rise
Tonight we rise!

In a world gone mad
In a place so sad!
Sometimes it's crazy
To fight for what you believe!
But you can't give up
If you wanna keep what you love!
(Keep what you love)
Keep what you love
(Keep what you love)
Keep what you love
Never give up, no!

Rise in revolution
Rise in revolution

Everybody one for all
Sound off, this is the call!

Like we're alive
Tonight we rise
Make a better life
Tonight we rise!

Rise, rise, rise in revolution
Rise, rise, rise in revolution

"Sabine, was that Skillet?" Ursa asked.

"Yes" Sabine replied.

"I got tickets for me and your brother Tristan, if I knew you were coming I could've got you s ticked as well" Ursa said.

"It's OK, The crew and I got a lifetime backstage passes" Sabine said.

Ezra and SabineWhere stories live. Discover now