One last chance- 황현진 pt 2

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You paced around the living room anxious as he could be home any minute now and you didn't want to face him. You had cried your heart out in your shared bedroom and hadn't come out until only 5 minutes ago. Then you decided.

You had to leave.

You were going insane as time went by and you knew you couldn't go on like this. You were a mess. You grabbed the biggest luggage and started stuffing your clothes and other necessities into it. Midway through the packing, you heard the front door open.

"Honey, I'm home!" Hyunjin called out and was left confused as no reply was reiterated. You panicked and tried to pack the clothes as quickly as possible as you heard him come up the marble stairway.
"Y/n? Hey stop. What are you doing?" He asked worried. You didn't answer as you rushed into the bathroom to get your toiletries, toothbrush and toothpaste. You entered the bedroom and he grabbed ahold of your wrist. "Babe, answer me" "Ugh, leave me alone" you snapped. You grabbed your luggage and plunge for the stairs. Hyunjin followed you down quickly afraid you'll leave.

Once you reached the living room, he raced to you and squeezed you tightly from the back. You froze in your spot and tried to pry him off you. This left him heartbroken and confused. He spun you around to face him and lifted your face with an index finger. He intertwined his fingers with yours as he kissed you softly, tears cascading down his cheekbones. He tastes so frickin sweet. I'll miss this...
"Don't leave me, y/n. Please I'm begging you. At least tell me what I did wrong" Hyunjin sobbed on your shoulder as he embraced you. "Two whole years, Hyunjin. Two whole frickin years together now going down the drain" "I-" "Save it for another day because I don't want to hear it". I got out of his embraced and headed out the door. He followed me and I could tell he was desperate. "Please I cant let you go" he whimpered. I wanted to hug him and kiss him assuring that it's all going to be fine. But I can't.
"Don't ever go looking for me" I said as I raced out to the nearest bus stop. Before I left I heard him thud to the ground crying but I don't want to go through this sentiment any longer.
I didn't really think this through as I realised he'd find me if I stay at a friend's place. Hmmm... Ah! I will stay at Woojin's place. He would be the last person Hyunjin would go to as they aren't really on good terms.

"Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you out in the dark by yourself?" "Woojin, I'll tell you everything. May I come in?" "Oh yeah sure"

"Care to tell?"
I cried. I cried all the tears I kept in, all the tears I didn't know I kept in. I'm pathetic, really. I should've known that Hyunjin never loved me in the beginning anyways. We were so different. He was way out of my league.
I felt a warm presence next to me and snuggled close. "Oh no. I cried on your shirt" "Cry all you want. I'm always here for you" "Thanks Woojin. Honestly, you made me feel so much better. This situation has taken a toll on me as you can tell and my self esteem. Ha... self esteem?who is she?" "It's about Hyunjin isn't it?" "Yes how did you kno- never mind. But please promise me something. Never let him in this house for the time being. It's too hard for me to face him" "Yep. I promise" "Thanks Woojin"
He smiled at me warmly before ruffling the tip of my head. "Anything for you, my friend"

That night I couldn't sleep. Thoughts were dripping continuously and I felt like I was broken.

Hyunjin's POV
How many bottles of soju has this been? Fifth? I don't drink at all as I don't like the bitter taste however, the bitterness seem to be completely bland. I miss holding her so much. I cried onto the palms of my hands all night that I'm tired of crying now so I resulted to drinking.

After a few hours, I felt dizzy so I decided to lie down and just rewind. To just forget about everything and listen to music. I went to my playlist and the song "Way back home" by Shaun came on(song above. A/n: I recommend listening to it while reading this). The song talks about a guy returning home to find a girl who left him in heaven. That's when I realised something again.
I'd never see her again unless I try to get her back. Because she is my home.

Your POV
I couldn't sleep that night and the hail outside did not help.
Woojin was out of the house trying to get me a room in a hotel to stay so I don't live here forever.

I suddenly heard loud constant knocks on the front door which surprised me. It couldn't be Woojin because he had the keys and it's only been three minutes. I froze not knowing how to respond. I wrapped myself in my blanket and headed down the stairs. I cautiously opened the door and was utterly shocked to find a tear stained Hyunjin with bruised knuckles from all the knocking. I slammed the door in his face and turned around however, he just opened it again. Shoot, I didn't lock it.
He wrapped his arms around the blanket encircling me. I couldn't believe him. He was out in the hail the whole time. I miss his hold so damn much but I didn't want to show it. My eyes are so sore from all the sobbing and I'm so worn out. I don't want to deal with this right now.
"Y/n, please come back home"

"No, Hyunjin" How did he know where I was?

"I'll do anything you want. Beg on my knees in the hail? I'd do it if you want..."

"I just want you to get out of my sight and never come back" Did I sound too harsh?

I could tell he is extremely hurt...
"N-no..I can't leave you"

As he released me from his hug, I decided to finish lashing out. "Hyunjin, don't you see? We don't have trust in our relationship. Do think it'll work out? NO! I'm sorry Hyunjin but you deserve a better girlfriend. I'm so mean to you. And look at me! You don't want this!" I say gesturing to my figure as I looked like a COMPLETE mess.

Before he could do anything, I ran out of the house with just my pyjamas, barefooted. There may have been some glass shards but I don't care.

"Y/N! Y/N!! STOP!"

To be continued...

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