Chapter Three

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(Friday evening, at Adrian's house)


I decided to cancel dinner this week with my birth-mother and father. I just wasn't in a good enough place. Adrian had taken note of this, and she also saw the giant band-aid across my face. "Jade, Adrian asked quietly, "Do you want to tell me why you have a band-aid on your face?"

We both sat on her bed, painfully quiet. I nod my head slowly, I knew I had to tell her. "I fell.." I said, only being half of a lie. Adrian narrowed her eyes in frustration, "Jade." She said in a hushed tone, moving closer to me. She placed her hand on mine, intertwining our fingers. I shyly bit my lip, focusing my eyes on my knees. I was too shy to look up at her.

"Jade, you need to tell me." Adrian said quietly, squeezing my hand lightly.

That's when she looked down at my hands.

She saw the scars across my knuckles and fingers, and she started to put the pieces together. "Jade take off your sweatshirt." She said, anger dripping from her voice. I felt tears run down my cheeks, I wanted to protect her from all of this. "Jade.." She said, her jaw tight. I had no choice but to do what I was told. I slowly stripped the thick sweatshirt, setting it next to me.

She visibly swallowed a lump in her throat, she could she everything. The large scars across my arms, the brusies on my upper chest. She moved even closer to me, tears of rage and disappointment in her eyes. "Oh my god.." She said, her voice shakey and dripping with emotion. She hesitated before moving her hand to my shirt collar, peeling it back slightly to be greeted with more bruises.

"What happened to you?" Adrian said, her tears spilling over her eyes and down her face. My chest and throat tightened, I couldn't bare it. "My step mom.." I started, my voice cracking lile glass, "Is not the woman you think she is."

I poured my heart out to Adrian, along with many tears. I told her how terrified I was of my home. How my step-mother hit me, told me how worthless I was. I told her everything, it felt like my mouth was dam that had broken. Spilling out everything without a second of hesitation. I finally stopped. I had told her everything.

Adrian sat there, her face completely pale. She was shocked. "H-How long has she.." She started, her voice fading out. I just cried harder. And so does she. She pulls me close into her chest, wrapping her arms tightly around me. It hurts. But not in a normal way. It hurt my heart, pain surged through my body. I cried harder, and harder.

My head throbbed, everything hurt. I didn't want to leave her embrace. So I held her closer. We both sobbed into each other's arms. Something I never thought I would do. I don't typically open up to people, at all. But it felt good.

(Some time later)


I didn't know how much time had passed. But it was clear that Adrian and I had fallen asleep in each other's embrace. I kept my eyes closed, simply leaning into Adrian's warmth. It was raining outside, I could hear it slap the pavement. The thought comforted me, made me feel warm and safe. I could feel Adrian's body against mine, causing my cheeks to heat up slightly. We had never done something like this before.

"Jade, are you awake?" Adrian asked quietly, rubbing my back gently and slowly. I nodded my head, fluttering my eyes open to look up at her. Her eyes were filled with concern as she continued to rub my back, "Adrian?" I said with a hushed tone, "Please don't tell anyone about my step mom.."

Jade sighed, "I can't just do that Jade," She whispered, "You need to get help. What she's doing isn't okay." I closed my eyes again as she spoke, letting her voice fill my mind. I knew she was right, but I couldn't help but be afraid. We both let the silence surround us, before Adrian opened her mouth to speak once again. "I care about you Jade, and I can't just sit back and watch you get hurt."

"I'm scared that if you say anything," I whisper as I open my eyes again, "She'll hurt you too, and I'll never forgive myself." As I finished, I looked up at my friend. She managed a small smile, from what I can only assume, was from the fact that I wanted to protect her.

"I'll be okay Jade, this is about keeping you safe." She said, running a few of her fingers through my hair. My cheeks heated up slightly as I leaned into her soft touches. I couldn't help but feel as if she was being romantic, she had never really acted like this before. "Adrian?" I whispered, my voice coming out like that of a child's.

"Yes, Jade?" She responded with, the corners of her lips turning up into a small smile. "Can I stay over for tonight?" I asked, feeling slightly shy. She nodded, "Only if you let me help you."

I hesitated, fear pitting in my stomach. But finally, I managed to push it aside. I bit my lip and nodded, "O-Okay." I said quietly, looking back up at Adrian. She smiled, pulling away from the bed and standing up straight. "Good, now let's do this."

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