Chapter Eleven

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(After school, late that night)


After hours of research into what I believed to be my "sexuality" I couldn't find a single thing that felt as though it fit. Nothing felt right, maybe I could talk to Adrian? She had been on the phone for a while, someone from the dance team I assumed. I pulled myself out of bed, the stress of my court date had been getting to me. Think about it, you were always told to never talk to someone about being abused, and now you have to tell an entire court room.

Ontop of that, no one genuily understands what your going through. Nobody I know has ever been through abuse, or at least so I thought. Maybe they were all hiding in the shadows. Waiting to be discovered.

I walked down the hall and to the right, where Adrian's room was. I could hear her talking on the phone, but I knocked anyway. "Oh, I'll call you back!" She says to the phone before speaking to me, "Come in!"

I slowly opened the door and closed it behind me. "What's up?" Adrian said quietly, patting a space for me next to her. I sat down and simply sighed, leaning my head against the wall behind me. " stress is way up." I said with a fake smile. She sighed, "I'm sorry honey, I know things have been rough."

"It's not even that.." I said quietly as I turned my head to look at her. "It's just school, and my social life in general. At the school, no one knows me. No one knows what I'm going through." "Well things could get better.." Adrian starts, but I quickly cut in. "No, Adrian!" I yell, suprisingly mad, "You don't know what it's like! Nobody cares if I'm living or dying, no one cares if I'm sad or happy! No one fucking cares, and it's not fair! You don't know what it's like to be told that your worthless, and that no one loves you, and that no one will care if you shoot yourself in the head, and to have to keep quiet about it! And now all of a sudden I have to tell a court room full of people about how wortheless I truly am!"

Adrian's face turned pink, I really had called her out. She had always been lucky, and I have always envied it with a passion. She never had to worry, she was always sheltered. "Jade, what is your deal?!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms. The truth was, I felt ignored. It was something I was used to, but for some reason it hurt when she ignored me. Adrian had been on the phone with friends, going out without me, for about a week now. I was fed up with it. I thought she was supposed to help me..right?

"My deal is that every time this week when I try to talk to you, you fucking ignore me! You turn away and tell me that your on the phone, or that your busy!" I say, getting up from the bed. I've never liked confrontation, but at this point I didn't even care. "Well it's not my fault or clingy as shit! I have my own life too!" She yells. "All I'm asking is for you to talk to me!" "Well it's not my fault you're all cooped up because you have to talk to your shitty step-mom!"

My face showed pure shock, Adrian and I had never brought my step-mom up, not after all of this. "Don't fucking bring her up..." I whispered, tears pooling in my eyes. I knew she was about to snap. "Well just because you were abused, doesn't mean I have to hold your fucking hand and protect you at all costs!" Adrian says, avoiding her eye-contact. The room fell silent as I finally got fed up. Tears ran down my face as I turned away. "Jade I didn't mean that-" Adrian started, but I didn't care. Slamming the door behind me, I grabbed my coat and shoes. I needed to get out, I didn't know where, but anywhere that isnt here.

"Jade!" Adrian yelled, grabbing her mother's attention too. "Where are you going, dear?" Adrian's mother asked, standing in the kitchen. "I'm just going on a walk.." I said quietly, hanging my head low. I didn't wait for her to respond, I just left.

(Some time later)

I had been walking for what seemed like hours, never looking up once. Everything hurt, mainly my heart. I didn't want attention, or to be treated like a child. I just wanted someone to care, someone to listen to me rant. The sound if a car horn pulls me out of my daze, and I quickly realized that I don't know where I am. "Shit.." I whispered to myself. Trying to look around, I couldn't find any shops or landmarks I recognized.

My heart was pounding in my chest, "how the hell am I gonna get home?" I thought to myself.


I quickly spun around to see, the one and only, Liam. "What're you doing here?" He asked, walking over to me. "I was taking a walk to clear my head..and well, I have no idea where I am." I said shyly. "Do you have a way home?" He asked, tilting his head a little. I quickly noticed the way the street lamps made his face look pure, inncocent even. I felt my cheeks turn warm as I shook my head "no".

His lips turn down into a small frown, "Well.." He starts, "I live right down the street, we could walk to my car and I could drive you home." He says.

"Are you sure?" I asked, my stomach knotting up. He nods, "Might as well."

We both smile to each other, making our way to his car.

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