Chapter Eight

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(SORRY FOR THIS SUPER LATE CHAPTER! I've been extremely busy lately, with moving houses, starting school, making friends. I hope to more active again <3)

(At the police department)


Six hours. Six full hours of investigation, interrogation, and taking pictures of any scares I have. I just sit here, exposed for the photographer to see. The bright light of the flash makes me flinch, burning my eyes too. A numb feeling coarses through me, yet my heart pounds in my chest. "Breathe, just breathe..they're going to take care of things.." I thought to myself, desperately trying to calm down.

"All right dear, that's the last of the pictures." The lady tells me, "You can go ahead and put your clothes back on and wait in the office." I nod and they leave, the gentle click of the door being the only sound that fills the room. I quickly put my clothes back on, zipping up my jacket. Walking out of the room and back to the holding office, Adrian stands to greet me. I feel tears well up in my eyes as she pulls me into a tight embrace. Her mother rubs my back, "Shhh, be strong.."

I stifle a quiet sob as I bury my face deeper into Adrian's chest. A few minutes later I pull away and wipe the tears from my face, thankfully, I hadn't put on any makeup. "Mom, can Jade and I talk in private? Just outside for a few minutes."

Adrian's mother hesitates, looking around for the officer. "Yes, but be quick. The officers may need to speak with you two soon." Her daughter thanks her and takes my hand, leading me out the front doors. As we leave I see another girl, only younger. She's probably about five or six, and holding a small, disheveled teddy-bear. I hold back the urge to cry once more.

Adrian and I walk through the double doors of the police department, being greeted by a hushed, autumnal breeze. It blows through my hair, causing a few shivers to run down my spine. The weather was beginning to become colder, and a few gray clouds could be seen across the horizon. Mu body was stiff, all the stress filled knots of my muscles causing a few arrays of aches and pains. It was something I had gotten used to.

"How're you holding up?" She asks, her words drifting off into the small breeze. I half-heartdly chuckle, my lips soon turning down into a small frown. "Things could be better.." I whisper. A moment of silence passed by us, I watch the small, warm-toned leaves dance across the pavement. They make a small, almost inaudible scraping sound. Somehow I find it soothing.

"How come you never told me?" Adrian mutters, her voice sounding hoarse. My jaw clenches out of guilt, and annoyance. There are many reasons why I wouldn't have told her. I didn't want her to worry, I didn't want her to treat me like some fragile object. I don't answer her question, it's something she shouldn't have asked.

Adrian's point of view


"How come you never told me?"

As soon as the words leave my lips, I regret saying them. The tension grows between us, the opposite of what should be happening. I want her to trust me, but I know that trust is something that takes time to achieve. I just wish it could happen quicker. We had been friends for a while, and she had always been pretty quiet, shy even. "If only I had known.."

"Its getting cold.." Jade mutters. "Great, we're back to small talk..." I think, mentally scolding myself. I manage a smile, pulling her into a hug to keep her warm. I hear her quietly giggle as she holds her arms crossed over her chest, leaning into my chest for warmth. "Listen, Jade.." I say, "I'm sorry about what I said earlier. I shouldn't have asked, it was out of line." I knew apologizing would help, maybe even take some of the tension away.

"It's okay Addy, I know it's a lot to take in." She says, closing her eyes. I liked the way she said my name, soft and pure. I wanted to tell her, for a while now, that I was into chicks. But I wasn't sure how she would react if I also told her that I was into her. You can't tell her..not yet,

It's too soon.

A relationship was probably the last thing Jade needs on her plate, so I have to wait. She comes first, not me.

"Let's head back inside before you freeze." I say with a grin, earning a chuckle from Jade. She takes my arm and we head back inside.

Even if we weren't together, I was going to protect her from whatever the hell we came across in that building.

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