Oh hey it's me :3

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    Hey, it's Gracie! I wanted to make a quick little note about two of the character's sexuality's. I'm not sure how to really phrase it in the chapter's of the story, so I think that this would be a better way to approach it, rather than just skipping over it and moving on. 

    So first off, there's Adrian. Now Adrian is a total lesbian, no way she'd ever like a guy. Her sexuality isn't very complicated, and pretty straight forward. However, Jade is a completely different story.  I consider Jade to be a mix of things and, as a character, she herself is a bit confused as to what she is. Right now, she is pansexual with a demiromantic. For those who haven't heard of this, pansexual is when a person doesn't really prefer a gender. They would be comfortable dating/seeing a man, woman, non-binary etc.  But with Jade, she is also someone who cannot develop sexual feelings towards someone unless she feels a strong bond of trust towards them. Now, this is something that most people desire, but do not necessarily need, therefore why she is labeled as a demiromantic character.  Now of course, her sexuality could change in the future because, once again she is a confused character. I like to think that each one of us, as sexual creatures, become confused or puzzled once in our life before truly finding what we are (gay, lesbian, ace, non-binary etc). So, for now, this is what the two characters are. As for the other characters..well..we'll get to that sooner rather than later.


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