Chapter Ten

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(The next day)


I had already woken up late for school, making me feel more sluggish then ever. I throw my hair into a messy bun, lazily placed ontop of my head. My oversized, gray sweatshirt and ripped cuffed jeans made me look bigger than I was, but I honestly didn't care. While brushing my teeth, I reach for my makeup bag. I didn't want to look super extravagant, but I might as well cover up a few of the stress pimples that had popped up.

After putting on some BB cream, concelar and mascara, I run downstairs to find Adrian eating some cereal and scrolling through her phone. "Hey." She says with a grin, "Someone looks sleepy." I chuckle, "Sleepy is an understatement."

I grab a gronola bar that Adrian's mother had bought me, chocolate and peanut butter. "I'm not looking forward to those assignments I missed." I mutter to Adrian, earning a quiet snicker. "Well for the most part, you didn't miss much. Although, Mrs. Ether might be up your butt with all those stupid study packets"

I playfully sigh and sit down next to Adrian, tying my combat boots. She finishes up her cereal and places the empty bowl in the sink, "I'll go get our backpacks."

I thank her and stand from the barstool I had been sitting at, tucking a few stray hairs behind my ears. "What do you say to listening to some indie music at an obnoxious volume?" Adrian says playfully, handing me my back pack. I giggle and nod my head, "Sounds fun."

"I'll play Young The Giant for you, since you love them so much." "You remembered." I say fondly. "How could I forget?" She says with a playful wink.

We climb into Adrian's car, Adrian scrambling to turn on the car and the heater. The days had gotten colder as they passed by, along with it being darker in the early mornings. November was beginning to kick off, and so was the investigation. My court date had been settled, the police had gotten a hold of my step mom and my biological parents. I never quite understood why I didn't live with my biological parents, maybe they didn't want me. Or maybe I was the child my step-mom never had.

I shake the thoughts away as Adrian turns on her radio and pulls out of the driveway, beginning her way down the dimly lit street. The sun was peeking over the horizon, the grass covered in a thin layer of frost. "Cough syrup" began to play, which was my favorite song by Young The Giant.

"Life's too short to even care at all, oh.."

Listening to the lyrics, I almost relate to them. Life is really short, and I guess I haven't cared much lately. With all of the things with my family, I just haven't taken a whole lot of time for myself.

Maybe I should start.

We drive for a little longer, the lyrics of Cough Syrup echoing through my head. "We're here." Adrian says with a groan, turning the radio off and pulling into her usual spot. I inhale, sharp, and grab my bag. We both get out and make our way througj courtyard, seeing a few familiar faces. The cliques are standing in there usual spots. The jocks, popular girls, "nerds". I never thought of myself as someone with a clique. I've never have that many friends, and usual just stuck with Adrian or loned it.

The only thing I focused on in high school was not pissing the wrong people off. Well, here's to another day.

(Last period, English)


I sat at my desk with my typical pen and paper. It was a typical free writr day, so I just scribbled through some poem ideas. None of them really flowed well though, so I tossed them. Lately I had some bad writers block, not being able to correctly explain some of the emotions I was feeling. "Ms. Almasi?" Mrs. Ether said, "Could I speak with you out in the hall?"

A few snickers could be heard through the class, others simply asked who I was. I sighed and stood from my seat, following my teacher out of the class room.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked shyly, twiddling my thumbs. "Oh no, not at all dear." She said, causing a wave of relief to wash over me.

"I just wanted to ask you if everything's alright, your one of my best students and've been absent for some time and you haven't been participating as much as normal."

I open my mouth to say something, but stand there silent. "Jade, if there's something going on, you can tell me." She says to me, putting a hand on my shoulder to reassure me.


"I don't want to talk about it.." I whisper. Mrs. Ether nods, taking her hand away. "Alright dear, let's go back inside."

We both walk inside, my chest beginning to tighten. I sit down at my desk, taking slow, deep breathes. I don't trust my teachers enough to tell them, I don't trust anyone enough to tell them. Except for Adrian. "Why do my thoughts always go back to Adrian..?"

I remember the times of Adrian and I running around, being normal kids. I had always admired her, but maybe more than I thought. Being straight was never something I identified as, I never felt attraction to quite literally anyone.

Of course I've always known that I didn't really love the idea of "sex"..but what did that mean to me? "Maybe I should do some research." I thought.

Whirlwinds of thoughts ran through my head, I didn't know what to think. I've always known I wasn't necessarily straight, but what did that mean?

What am I?

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