Ch. 1

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Sweet smell of ocean air. Sun is shining, the waves are great out today. I grab my board and head to the water. I'm sitting on my board admiring the wave I'm about to take. I start paddling, then stand up. "Ow ow!" I hear someone on the shore say. I smile, then jump off my board. Swimming back up to the shore I see Zach, his friends, and his girlfriend. 

"Hey Zach!" I say walking up to the group.

"Nice wave Britt!" Zach says giving me a high five. I smile and walk over towards his girlfriend Cassy.

"Hey girl," I say setting my board down.

"Hey, that was really cool!" Cassy says with real excitement in her voice.

I laugh and we both walk over to Zach and his friends who are getting some snacks at the beach's snack bar "Sunkissed".  Cassy and I sit down at a table. She starts talking  about prom. Its coming up in about 2 weeks. Everybody is always really excited.

"So what are we talking about?" Zach interrupts, him and his friends sitting down with us.

"Prom," Cassy explains. "But Britton here doesn't know if she's even going!" 

"What?" says one of Zach's friends. I look at him confused. 

"Oh this is Cameron, Britt. He's in the band with me and he's switched into our English class. And this guy....Michael is in the band, too," Zach says pointing to a guy with brown eyes.

"Oh, thats why they looked familiar!" I say with realization. Cameron gets up out of his chair and sits down in the one next to me. "So you're not going to prom?" he asks.

"I really don't know..." I say confused. "I'm gonna get a soda. Anybody else need anything?" I ask looking at each person at the table.  "I want some fries, I'll come with you," Zach says getting up.

We both walk over to Sunkissed. Zach turns around while I'm ordering and makes some weird hand gestures. After I finish ordering Zach hands me a note. 

"Whats this?" I ask.

"Just read it," he says opening it for me.

I read it aloud, ""Dear Britton, I would like to know if we can change your prom plans from a 'maybe' to a 'definitely'. Go with me? Sincerely, Cameron"," I stare at the note for a moment when the guy at Sunkissed calls my order. I hand Zach the note and grab our stuff.  Heading back to our table, Zach pulls me aside and looks at me with a confused expression.

"What?" I ask.

"So you're just not gonna answer him?" Zach says eating a fry off the tray.

"Asking from a note...really? And I just met him! HECK no," I say starting to walk off again, but Zach jumps in front of me.

"Give him a chance!" Zach says.

"Let me think..." I say making Zach smile a little, "No." He gives me a stern look and rolls his eyes. We both walk back over to our table, sitting down. I can tell Cameron is anxious hoping I answered his note already. He's fiddling with the straw in his drink. Michael's phone rings, he answers it, "Hello? Oh right! Alright be there. See ya." He puts his phone back into his pocket and stands up. 

"Cam, Zach, we gotta go. They booked a show for us next Thursday at this surf convention thing," 

"Sunkissed Surf Sho," Cameron and I say in unison. He looks at me with a gleam in his eye, I realize I'm smiling like a fool, so I turn away.

"Yeah...that. Anyways we gotta go rehearse," Michael continues to say.

We all say goodbye to each other and I walk back over grabbing my board, to hit a few more waves before I have to pick up my sister.

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