Ch. 2

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I honk the horn outside my sister's friend's house. Jillian peeks out the front door holding up her index finger, telling me to hold on for a minute. I start tapping my foot a little to the soft sound of the radio that I can hear. I realize its Zach's band Allstar Weekend. I really like their new music. I turn it up and start singing along. "Out in the street somebody's looking out for cop cars, girls on the roof say hey we're stepping inside, it looks like a scene out of American Pie". Jillian comes bolting out the front door, running across the lawn and throws her stuff in the trunk. She gets in the passenger seat and turns the music up louder. Its blasting through the car now. "This is life as we know it, gettin high, never growin up, we can party all night feelin alright, yeah! Party all night, let me hear you say yeah!" we both sing at the top of our lungs. 

Jillian turns the radio down and asks, "Allstar Weekend right? Zach's band?"

I nod my head yes. "Did you have a good time?" I ask her.

"Yeah, we basically just watched youtube videos the whole night," she says. 

"Hey whats new!" I say, as we both start cracking up. Brings back memories of me when I was 15. Jillian's phone is ringing and she answers it, "Hello? Oh hey! Um why don't you just... okay whatever. Aw! Alright, be there in a bit!" She hangs up her phone, starts giggling and smiling at me like who knows what.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask.

"Nothing...just go to Chipotle," she says getting serious and staring at her phone. 

I concentrate on going to Chipotle, but why? Why are we going there? We pull into the parking lot and Jillian quickly jumps out of the car and motions for me to follow her. I get out and grab my phone on the center console. I open the door and see Jillian run up to some guy. She turns around and grabs my hand pulling me towards him. I realize its Cameron. What is he doing here?

"Oh hey," I say.

"Hey," he says with a little bit of excitemeny in his voice.

"So um...what are you doing here?" I ask. 

"Oh look its Ryan! Uh gotta go y'all have fun!" she interrupts while running over to Ryan and giving him a hug and a kiss. Thats her boyfriend. I smirk realizing whats going on.

"Well, Britton, look I'm sorry about earlier! I wasn't really thinking. But when we left, I was talking to Zach and told me that you had to get your sister later so I got her number and-" he says when I interrupt him giggling.

"Okay, okay...Lets order"

We get our food and head to a table by a window. We start eating without saying anything. I start the conversation off.

"So do you play the guitar?" I ask him.

"Bass actually," he replies taking a bite out of his burrito.

"Oh I've always wanted to learn how to play the bass!" I exclaim.

He smiles at me and looks down at the table, then taking a sip of his drink, "Maybe I could teach you sometime?"

I smile back at him and say, "That'd be nice."

We both continue talking about the band and why he got switched into mine & Zach's english class.  Cameron finishes eating before me, now I'm finished. As we're on our way out to leave, I remember Jillian is here, too. I yell her name across the restraunt and she says goodbye to her boyfriend. She comes over and we start walking out the door. As I turn around to say thanks and goodbye to Cameron, I realize he's not there. Anywhere. 

"His motorcycle is gone, too!" Jillian exclaims confused. 

"Figures. Just like any other guy I've dated," I say walking out of the door quickly to my car. Jillian gets in as well, noticing I'm upset. She picks something up off the dash.

""First off you should really lock your car when you get out of it..."" I smile on the inside, but keeping a straight face on the outside. She continues to read, ""Second, I'm really sorry I had to go. Call me sometime? 555-1232" least he left a note!!" Jillian says trying to make me smile, but I'm not going to. 

We don't talk the whole way home, which is about 10 minutes. When we get home I run up the stairs to my room and put on my pajama's. Feels so good to get in comfortable clothes. I lay in my bed thinking about everything today. I smile remembering Cameron's laugh, then remembering how he left without saying goodbye.. I felt a tear come down my cheek, but I assume my eyes are just watering. I wipe it away and turn on the tv, while getting comfy and cozy under my covers. I fall asleep watching "I Love Lucy".

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