Ch. 4

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Its Tuesday and Cameron wasn't in English class yesterday. I wanted to call him but I didn't wanna seem desperate. Becca and I leave our Geometry class and head to our lockers. 

"So you and that Cameron kid, eh?" Becca says opening her locker.

"What...what are you talking about?" I ask not really sure of whats been said.

"Oh come on! Everybody knows! He's been tweeting like crazy about some girl he met. And I was talking to Zach yesterday...he said its you," she says smirking at me and putting away her Geo book.

"Uh yeah right. There's nothing going on. We just hung out at Chipotle and went to church Sunday," I say applying chapstick.

I close my locker and Zach's face is standing right in front of mine. "Jesus Zach!" I yell jumping back a foot. He laughs then gets real serious.

"Have you talked to Cameron since Sunday?" 

"Naw, he hasn't called or anything. And he wasn't in class yesterday..." I pause thinking I might sound like I like him. Covering that up I continue, "Well not that I care, I was just wondering."

Zach gives me a look like 'Yeah right'. The bell rings for us to go to class. Zach and I walk to our English class and right as I'm walking in the door Cameron quickly passes by me. I turn around to Zach confused and Zach just shrugs his shoulders, then sits down in his seat. I look around the room to see if the teacher is in there yet. She's not. I quickly walk out of the classroom and follow Cameron. He walks out of the building and turns right, leading to the school's Nature Trail. Yeah our school is right in front of a wooded area so there's a Nature Trail. They let us go there when we need time alone to get work done, or we can eat lunch there. 

I quietly keep following him. He stops at a little shaded spot under a huge Oak tree. As he's sitting down he sees me and freaks out a little bit.

"Oh god, I, uh, didn't know you were here..." he stutters.

I look at him for a minute then ask, "Why are you out here Cameron? Why weren't you going to English class?"

He looks down at his notebooks then offers for me to sit down next to him. I do. He explains to me how he's not really that good at English class and that he comes out here to focus better. 

"Oh, I totally understand," I say opening my English book.

"You do?" he says perking up.

"Yeah," I smile, "I can help you." He grins and opens his English book, too. 


~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~        ~


School's over and I start to put my books away in my locker. Thank goodness I have no homework tonight, and thank GOODNESS there's no school tomorrow! Its a teacher planning day. I find it odd its in the middle of the week, but who cares? Becca comes running up to me, slightly jumping up and down. 

"What?!" I ask her with excitment knowing its got to be something good.

"Michael, Allstar Weekend's drummer..."

"Yeah I know who he is," I interrupt. She continues, "Well he's having a party tonight and he invited us!" I stand there in complete shock. 

"Is Cameron gonna be there?" I blurt out. Becca looks at me confused. Julie walks up and hands us each our invitiations to tonight's party. Michael comes walking down the hallway. I run over and jump in front of him. He gives me a weird look so I quickly ask, "Can I bring someone else?" 

"Cameron's already gonna be there," he smirks.

"Not friend," I reply, with a bit of sarcasm.

"Yeah sure! See y'all tonight," he says then walking down the hall and out the front doors of the school.

I quickly grab my bag and walk out the doors not even saying goodbye to Becca and Julie. I have to get home and quick. 

~          ~          ~          ~          ~         ~          ~         ~

Putting on my tight fitted, white dress with a red ribbon going around my waist, I slip on my black Converse high tops and then go to my bathroom to put on some mascara and lip gloss.

"How do I look?" I ask standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"FABULOUS!" Courtney shouts. Courtney is one of my best friends. She's already graduated and my parents let me go out late with her because she's really responsible. But she can have fun, no worries.

We both get up and head to her car, parked on the side of the road. Michael only lives 5 minutes down the road so we get there in no time. This party looks off the hook. You can hear the music from the street. Lights are all flashing out through the windows. We go inside and the music is blaring. Everybody's dancing. Courtney and I make our way to the dance floor to dance with some hot guys. As this one guy grabs my hand to take me somewhere, I feel someone else tug on my other hand. Its Cameron. 

"She's with me," he says in a stern voice.

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