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"Where is Sungoh?" You questioned pushing Jimin's back against the car.
"I don't know. I think he went inside." Jimin told you.
"Don't tell me lies! You know full well what I'm capable of." You snarled at him.
"I swear that's all I know. It's he truth."
He had his hands on the side of the car to keep himself from falling.
"It better be." You got off of him and walked back inside.
"Let's go Betty." Hyunjin grabbed her arm and led her inside.
"Let's find the Triple Threat." You suggested.
"Wherever The Triple Threat is, Taehyung wont be too far behind." Hyunjin told both of you.
"Hyunjin." You stopped causing everyone else to stop.
"Hm?" He looked confused.
"He is a member of the Triple Threat." You told him.
"Yeah so is Jimin." He told you.
"There!!! Jungkook!!" You pointed at the bar.
"And there is Taehyung." Betty gulped.
You all started to walk over there but Hyunjin grabbed your wrist and pulled you back.
"I still can't find Felix. I don't know where he went." He looked at you worried.
You saw how scared he was by looking into his eyes.
"Let's find him first then." You reassured him.
You told her and she looked back seeing you guys a few paces behind her.
"We need to find our friend Felix first." You told her.
"Ok." She looked back at Taehyung and Jungkook at the bar then her eyes reverted back to you and Hyunjin.
"Where was he before we split up?" You asked Hyunjin.
"I don't remember." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Hyunjin!! This is crucial information." You seemed stressed. If something ever happened to Felix-no soundly ever let anything happen to Felix. You both swore to each other than you would protect each other. Just like you would protect Hyunjin and he would do the same for you. You were the ultimate three friends. Kind of like the Triple Threat except you didn't do bad things like they did.
"Let's check the bathrooms." You said after looking around everywhere.
You saw how tense Hyunjin was. He was sweating and shaking.
"Hyunjin, we're gonna find him. Don't worry." You touched his shoulder.
"Where are the bathrooms?" Betty asked.
"This way." The three of you walked into the men's bathroom.
"Woah." Someone immediately started to zip up their pants.
"Hyungwon is that you?" You stopped when you saw him.
"Y/N?" His face flushed red.
"You two check the stalls!" Hyunjin ordered you and Betty to do giving a chance for Hyungwon to regain himself and wash his hands.
"Why are they in here?" He whispered to Hyunjin.
"We're looking for Felix."
"He's not in any of the stalls." You announced.
Fear started to force your heartbeat to excel.
Where is Felix? Where could he be?
"Let's text him." Hyunjin took out his phone.
"No call him." You said sternly. "We need to find out immediately."
Betty seemed to start to get scared too.
Hyunjin picked up the phone and startled to dial his contact number.
"Pick up, pick up." He was repeating while holding the phone up to his ear.
The phone was still ringing and no one picked up.
After 5 tries we gave up calling.
"Maybe you could track his phone?" Betty suggested.
"Yes." You told her.
"I know someone who knows that stuff." Hyungwon butted in.
"You do?" Hyunjin questioned. Everyone looked at Hyungwon.
"Yes. He knows how to track devices and he's a hacker." Hyungwon told everyone.
"Let's do it." You told him.
"But I can only find his address through one person."
"Ok. Spill the beans." You demanded.
"You might not like it." He looked to Betty and Hyunjin.
"Who is it?" Betty asked.
"Kim Taehyung."


'Why him? Out of all people. Couldn't it be someone else?" Betty thought.
We walked over to the bar where Taehyung was swinging his arms all about and shouting. He was defining drunk.
We saw Jungkook standing next to him with a worried look on his face and his hands ready in case Taehyung were to knock something over or break something.
"Taehyung." Hyungwon confronted him.
"Oh hey! It's ma buddy Hyungwonnie." Taehyung put his arm around Hyungwon and almost knocked him over from leaning all his weight on the skinny boy.
Hyunjin grabbed Hyungwon's other arm so they wouldn't fall over.
"I needed to ask a favor." Hyungwon continued.
"Sure anything for the little pink strawberry poky." Taehyung said while laughing and still being tipsy.
Hyungwon looked at his body and remembered his hair color was pink and now realized that he looked like the strawberry poky stick. He slapped his forehead.
"I need my brown hair again." He said.
"Ask him Hyungwon." You nudged him.
"Oh yeah. Taehyung, can I have the address to Yoongi's place?"
"You mean Suga Bear?" He fell off the chair after saying that in a funny voice.
Jungkook lifted up his arm and Hyunjin got on the other side and did the same.
"It doesn't look like he's sane at the moment." Jungkook started. "So I'll just write it down for you."
He snapped his fingers and Betty took out a small piece of paper.
"784 West Drive." He said it in a low voice.
"Ok thanks." You told Jungkook.
"They actually were helpful." Betty added as they were all walking out of the Black Bean.
Maybe the Triple Threat aren't so bad after all. Betty thought.
"Betty where are you going?!" Archie grabbed her arm before she could leave.
"I'm going with them to find someone." She told Archie.
Everyone else was boarding a car.
"Betty, you don't know these people." Archie said in a low tone.
"But I can trust them." She said while looking at you.
"Betty I can't let you go with them by yourself." Archie insisted.
"It's fine. You're not my babysitter." Betty rolled her eyes. "You're not even my boyfriend."
"I'm going with you then." Archie announced.
"No you're not. This will be too dangerous for you." Betty told him.
"We don't want someone with a squeaky clean record to get dragged into this business." Hyungwon said.
"What do you mean squeaky clean record?" Archie eyed Hyungwon.
"This might get dirty." Hyunjin snickered.
"It's fine. If anything happens to her, then you can count me responsible." You approached them.
"Why would you say that?" Hyungwon looked at you.

"Because I have a weakness. I never back down on my promises." You said.


Betty got into the car. Hyungwon was driving while you were in the front seat with him.
Hyunjin and Betty were in the back.
"Who's car is this?" Betty asked with her hands on her lap.
"It's mine." Hyungwon said.
"You drive? Since when?" You asked Hyungwon.
"Seriously? How much of a baby do you think I am?" He glared at you.
"I'm a man." He stated.
"Yeah we obviously saw that in the bathroom." You joked.
His face flushed red. "You saw??"
"No!! I'm joking!!!" You slapped his arm.
"Phew." He breathed out and the color returning back to his face.
Hyunjin was looking at something on his phone and Betty caught a glimpse of it.
It was a picture of Y/N, Hyunjin, and Felix. They all had their arms around each other and they were smiling. They looked about 12, but Betty could definitely see the resemblance. Nothing changed really.
Betty looked at Hyunjin and saw his face look a little upset.
"Are you ok?" She touched his shoulder.
"Yeah I'm fine." He pulled his sleeve up to his face to dab his eyes.
"Were you crying Hyunjin?" Betty asked really close to him.
"Noo. I wasn't." He sniffled a little.
"Y/N?" Hyungwon asked you.
"Yeah?" You were looking out the window and immediately turned towards him.
"Something wrong?" He asked.
"Yeah. My friend is missing." He looked back out the window.
It was very dark outside and all you were seeing was the forest.
"What time is it?" Betty asked.
Hyunjin turned over his phone and read, "12:47."
"It's already morning!!" You screamed. "Hyungwon drive faster!"
"And get a ticket?? Are you crazy??" He yelled.
"No one is out on the road. Just do it." You told him.
"No. It's dangerous. I could hit an animal." He stated.
"Hyungwon if you don't do it, I'm gonna cry."
He looked over to you about to say 'Yeah sure.' But when he saw tears forming in your eyes, he hit he pedal faster.
"Faster it is then!" He looked forward.
Betty checked her phone for any new messages.
She saw three from Jughead.
'Betty, Archie told me what you're doing, but be careful.'
'If anything comes up call me and I'll get come get you.'
'Also tell me if I need to get the Serpents involved.'
Betty felt much more reassured that Jughead would take care of her. He always had her back. That's what boyfriends were for.

"Here." Hyungwon stopped the car.
"Why is it in the middle of the forest?" Hyunjin asked.
"I don't know. You tell me." He told him.
Everyone got out of the car.
"Silent." You motioned for Betty and Hyungwon to keep quiet. You weren't worried about Hyunjin.
He knew too much to be foolish in a dark area like this.
You knocked twice on the door.
"Who is it?" A deep raspy voice was on the other side. This person sounded like they didn't want to be bothered.
"My name is Y/N, and I need a favor for tracking someone's phone."
"Tracking did you say?" The voice said.
You all heard a serious of locks on the door.
"I'll wait outside by the car if anything happens." Hyungwon whispered to Betty.
"Ok." She whispered back.
The door freaked open.
"We're friends of Hyungwon." You told him.
He had black hair and wasn't the tallest one. Your pretty sure that Hyungwon is a few inches taller than this guy.
He has perfect porcelain skin and jet black hair.
"I'm Yoongi." He motioned for everyone to come in.
Hyunjin, Betty, and you entered.
You all followed him to a desk with 2 big computers on it and 2 laptops.
"What's the ID?" Yoongi asked.
"Here." Hyunjin showed Yoongi his phone and Yoongi searched it up on the computer.
"Here. His name is Felix Lee?" Yoongi moved one of his eyebrows up.
"Yes." You told him.
"It says that he is in Riversberg." Yoongi pointed to the data.
"Riversberg? Where's that?" Your face looked questioned.
Betty stood there in shock.
"On the other side of Sweet Water River." She said.

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