Mean Dark x sucidal chubby reader

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First things first, TRIGGER WARNING!! There are mentions of suicide and self harm, and a little bit of bullying! So please be careful, if you or anyone you know suffers from suicidal thoughts and/or bullying please call
SUICIDE HOTLINE: 1-800-273-8255
Emotional abuse: (because that's kind of what this mostly is? Kind of..I do NOT in anyway condone any sort of abuse! If you or anyone you know is being abuse in any way please visit this website!)

This was requested by @mermer556 I hope you like it! (Also the bullying isn't going to be exactly bullying? If that makes sense, I'm going to have more of a dark who pushes the reader away, but still there will be some bullying and get help if you are being bullied!) and friendo, this may be okay? Idk? I just hope you like it! I'm sorry it took me so long to write! I was actually kind afraid of writing it tbh, because of the subject matter, and i really didn't know how to go about it at first, but i finally figured it out!! I hope you like it! (Please like it.) (I'm just kidding.) (or am I)


Chaos everywhere.

Scattered notes written in black ink, balled up paper, darkness throughout the house.

He stepped in, cautiously, worried, terrified.
Where were you?

He turned a corner down the hall, he heard music coming from the bathroom, sad, melancholic and lonesome music that called out in high pitched painful passionate voices, spirits crying out with hollow black eyes.
He opened the door.

There you were, passed out, wrists bleeding, thighs bleeding, but still somehow miraculously breathing, soft and slow, like you were sleeping.
Dark ran to you, scooped you up in his arms, and disappeared in black smoke to find the doctor.

You woke up connected to an IV, bandages wrapped around your arms and thighs, Dark sat across from you, he seemed angry.
No words left your mouth as you stared at him blankly, was he angry? He always seemed angry at you, maybe he was, probably. He was always distant, kind of like a lighthouse, he was a light in your life, a beam of hope shining across the dark seas of your mind.. but only when he decided to turn your way.
Did he love you? You couldn't really say, you imagined how a regular boyfriend might act in this situation, crying in relief, hugging you, begging you not to, but he sat there, saying nothing, eyes vast and hollow.

Dark straightened himself out, took a deep breath, "I'm.. glad you're alive.." his voice seemed hoarse, "Why- he paused, "Please.. don't do that again." He whispered, "Please."
He walked over to you, and sat beside you on the bed, and then hugged you. "Please."

Your eyes went upward, taking in every feature that you fell in love with, he was so distant, so mean sometimes.. so hurtful.. but he always reeled you back in with moments like these, and you knew you would always come back to him.
"I'm so sorry..I'm so sorry..." he whispered, you then heard cracks, static, and saw the flashes of red and blue figures screaming and crying. You never thought he needed you, he would often call you dumb, or stupid, so it seemed that in his eyes you weren't worth much.
But you were.

His words would always feed into your insecurities which you so cleverly hid, adding more wind into the tornado of your mind, but right now, in his arms, there were no mean words, no mean glances, no doors slammed in your face. He was just there, he was just yours, and you were happy. You closed your eyes and leaned into him, even though he was cold, and a little stiff, you didn't mind, you were warm, he always said, and you warmed him. Maybe for right now, you could warm him, before he pushed you away again, and yearned for the cold.
"I'm so sorry, my darling.. please, I'm so sorry.." he cried, some of his tears landing on your head, "I'm so sorry."

You said nothing, there were no words to say, what could you say to comfort him? Nothing, Nothing. Tears started to stream down your face, you were worthless, you truly were- the only man you loved always pushed you away, weren't you enough? Weren't you enough? No! You weren't.
You licked your lips, "I'm sorry." You whispered, "I'm sorry for everything."

He cried harder.
Dark wasn't a man of emotion, unless it was rage or anger, but now, he felt a terrible sadness, big and black, sweeping over his mind.
"It's all my fault," you continued, "I'm not really worth much.. and I should have told you.."
He held you closer, rage mixed in with the sadness, "Don't you ever say that." His grip tightened on you as he pulled you into his lap, "Don't you ever think that." Didn't you understand? He loved you, he didn't mean those words he said, he didn't mean to push you away, and he wasn't going to lose you again! "I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry I made you feel that way.. I'm so sorry.." he was chaos, a spur of emotions, a mixture of love and rage and sadness and hate.
He lifted your face towards his and kissed you passionately.
"Please, please forgive me, please, darling, forgive me."

You opened your eyes, and looked at him, he always pushed you away, that's what hurt the most, but you were used to people pushing you away, you understood where he came from, you were annoying and laughed too much.
"You're not annoying."
You kept silent.
He never usually read your thoughts, maybe it was always because you seemed fine, laughing and goofing off, you were also a manipulator, now that you thought about it. You always lured people in with jokes,being goofy and fun- but they never stuck around when you were like this, when you were broken, when you were imperfectly human.
But he didn't leave, he stayed, you remember him coming home to you crying once, and he comforted you, listened, and whispered sweet words in your ear.

He kissed you again, softly, taking your face in your hands, he kissed you over and over again, "I'm sorry I made you feel that.. I'm so sorry.." he wiped the tears rolling down your cheeks, and kissed your again, and again and again.
You smiled, and kissed him back.
"I love you, I love you so much, (Y/N.)"
He never really said your name, it was usually nicknames, Darling and Dear, when he was in a good mood, and stupid, when he was in a bad one. He didn't call you stupid often, but he did tell you that you were stupid sometimes, and it hurt, but you smiled, played along.
Dark really never used your name, or said he loved you.
Now he did, and here he was, big, strong intimidating Dark begging for your forgiveness, he would have to earn it, or course, forgiveness wasn't something you easily gave.
You swallowed, "I love you too.." you bit your lip, ".. but.. I don't forgive you.. not.. yet." You looked into his eyes, "'ll have to stop pushing me away, stop pretending I'm not here, stop being mean... and prove you actually mean what you say."

"Of course." He said, stroking your cheek softly, "I'll do anything to prove it to you, Darling, but please- don't do that again, please."
"I promise." You whispered. "I promise."
He hugged you tighter, clung to you.

Soon, visiting hours were over, you were put on suicide watch for a few weeks, and then released, you were welcomed home to a much kinder, and more open Dark.
And for the first time in your life, you were happy, he stopped being the lighthouse, and became the stage light, always shining on you, always bring you happiness and giving you attention.
You loved him. You loved him so much.
And he loved you. He loved you so much.

Darkiplier ( and other egos) x chubby reader oneshots Where stories live. Discover now