Yancy x pregnant reader

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An: This was a tumblr request, and I had a convo with the requester, and she came up with the name Annie, so I used it! I was also inspired by the graveyard book, because something I said reminded me of it! Anyway, I've never written for a pregnant character before, so I hope this is okay! I wanted it to be super sweet! Enjoy! 

Kiss a lover

Dance a measure,

Find your name

And buried treasure...

Face your life

Its pain,

Its pleasure,

Leave no path untaken."

Neil Gaiman,

Yancy spent most of his life trapped, in some way or another, whether it was literally, when he was in prison, or figuratively, when he was trapped by his parents, confined to a small apartment by their words and expectations. He didn't want that for his baby. He wanted more. He wanted her to travel the world, opening its mysteries one by one.

He sat next to you on the hospital bed, watching your sleeping form before looking over at the small bundle in his arms. He remembered everything that led to this, the odd cravings of pickles and chocolate, coffee flavored ice cream combined with peanut butter, and steak. He remembered the morning sickness, how you leaned over the sink, unable to get to the toilet, and spewed your guts out, tears running down your cheeks as you did. He couldn't help but think that it was all worth it. The months of having to deal with anxious nervousness, and the days spent painting the nursery with bright colors.The doctor's appointments and mood swings-- he knew that it was all worth it.

He remembered the day you told him you were pregnant. It was a happy day, even though he came home from work sad because he didn't make the audition. Then, when he came in to you sitting in the living room, holding a pregnancy test, the heavy feeling in his stomach vanished. You looked up at him as he entered, smiling nervously, before saying, "I'm pregnant."

It was the happiest day of his life, but now, it was the second happiest.

He couldn't help but smile as he looked at her,so happy that he was afraid this was a dream, and he'd wake up, lonely and locked up in solitary confinement, but.. But he never could've dreamed up this. A world where there was so much more, and he was excited to unfold ever possibility, uncrinkle every mystery-- what would she be like? Who would she grow up to be? Would she like musicals? Would she like dancing? He felt himself tearing up as he took in her face-- she had your features, your cute nose and chin, but she also had his hair and eyebrows. He loved her already. He loved her. He loved her.

You groaned in your sleep, causing his eyes to flicker towards you. You looked at him with a sleepy smile, before holding your arms out for the baby. He gave her to you. You shifted into a comfortable position, holding her close, petting her hair. Then, you scooted over, making room for Yancy, patting the bed beside you after you did. He crawled in, and wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you close.

Your smile grew, "I love her, Yancy."

"I love her too."

"What do you think we should name her? I was thinking Veronica.. Or Eliza, or maybe Angelica..or maybe.. Maybe Annie. I like Annie the best."

Yancy almost felt like he was going to burst from happiness. The worry he felt about you and the baby melting as he agreed, "Annie.. That's a perfect name, doll."

"Annie it is. Welcome to the world, Annie."

Yancy leaned his head against yours, "Welcome to the world, Annie."

He couldn't wait for her to see it. For her to open the world like a big bright box, revealing everything, revealing all the songs and happy stories, and even the sad ones too, because he knew that after the sad chapters, there were always happy ones, and this moment was one of them. Gently, he kissed the top of your head, happy that he met you, you changed his world, rewrote his story, rearranged the pieces of his universe and created a new one. Now, Annie was doing the same to the both of you, rearranging the world you once knew, creating a new one, and god, he couldn't wait to see it.

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