Punkiplier x reader (a sad lime) 18+

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Can I just say— I love the song dancing in the dark?? Like, augh, you know??
Anyway, so I was inspired by it and was like let's make this!! So that's that.
Also, does anyone play TF2?? Because I just got introduced and like, I haven't played it but I've seen the SFMs and OMG I LOVE THE MEDIC SO THERE IS THAT.
I hope you guys like the story!!


Moonlight slowly seeping in through the gap in the curtains, staining the white of the walls, tainting the the cheap hotel room blue.

Your soft noises could be heard, squeaks and moans, quiet whispers that intertwined with his grunts.

Your breathing increased as you shook, clutching the sheets.
"Fuck.. fuck.. fuck..fuck fuck fuck fuck!" You whispered, a deep moan arising from your lips as you arched your head.

Mark leaned over, and continued to pound into you, his lips touching your neck, sucking on your sweet spot, leaving hickeys.
He moaned into your soft flesh, and put his hands behind your shoulders, lifting you up to hold you close.

You stomach fluttered, grew hot, your whole body grew hot— moans and grunts, cries of pleasure and the sound of skin upon skin filled the hotel room.
"Ah.. fuck.." he whispered, "fuck..fuck.."
You whimpered, moaning back, straddling him and humping him.

"Shit! Fuck— oh, fuck fuck!" You exclaimed, coming again.
More pounding, you could feel your walls tightening again as you leaked cum, you could hear his moans and grunts increasing in your ear as you held him closer, burying your head into his neck.

"Fuck.. (y/n).. fuck.. fuck.. shit— fucking—" You heard a loud moan, feeling the vibrations of his throat as he groaned, releasing.

Breathing heavily, he continued, and you whimpered once more, softly grunting as you came again.

Pulling out, he groaned, taking you in his arms and laying down with you by his side, falling asleep.

By morning, he was gone.

Getting up, you looked at the discarded condom on the floor, and sighed.
It was always like this, wasn't it?

Always having sex at night, two bodies slowly intertwined in darkness— and then, when the sun came up, leaking through the window, he was gone.

You walked to the trash bin, and put the condom in the trash.

You didn't really know how to feel anymore.
It'd been so long since you'd been with him, the both of you high school sweet hearts— but now? With him becoming a popular celebrity.. he just wasn't the same.

You turned towards the window, naked body bathed in sunlight, trying to figure it all out.
You couldn't.
Confusion, like some rapid, twisting, whirlpool ran through your mind. You just didn't get it— the both of you exchanged 'I love you's' and smooched softly, you both had passionate, yet loving sex and yet.. something felt wrong.

The way he would leave most mornings without a note, or a kiss goodbye.
The way he didn't hold your hand in front of his friends.
The way he just... forgot about you.

Maybe you were in too deep, you thought.
Three years of dealing with his bull shit.. why should you go now, when he was just starting to get successful?

You didn't understand it at all.

Inhaling deeply, you looked away from the window, put on your clothes, and exited the room.

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