Head cannons- egos with a reader who's afraid of love

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An: this was a request on here, and it seemed really interesting, so I took it lol. Anyway, if you want to request, go to my tumblr and do so! 

Egos with a reader who's afraid of love.

It really depends on which ego you fall for

Most would be confused-- why would anyone be afraid of falling in love?

A few, like Illinois, Yancy, Eric, Bing, Doc, Host and Magnum would understand.

Others, like Wilford, Yan, Dark, the Google bros, Silver, Bim, and King would be confused to say the least.

All would try to help you with your fear

Wilford would give you gifts, constant shows of affection, and just outrageous displays of how much he loves you. When he's in love, he's in love.

Dark would be.. A mix of emotions, both understanding yet upset-- don't you trust him? Who hurt you before? Does he need to do anything to show you his love? He buys you flowers, writes poems (bc yes, he is a softie) and takes his time, he can wait. He does love you after all.

Host would be the most understanding of all, since he's literally an omniscient narrator, so he'd do everything he can to help you. Whether that's through psychical affection, words of encouragement, or etc

Bim would be so confused, since really, he's a love sick bastard when it comes down to it, and would do anything to get you to trust him-- do you need a job? It's yours! Or.. how about money? He really does love you! He'll tell you every time he sees you

Silver is the hero. Always. So, he'd try to help you in any way. Would get you therapy with Doc and just always tell you he loves you, reminding you that he can wait.

The googles:
Prime: Confusion. And then research. He looks for ways to make this work with you, he's never loved anyone till it came to you. He also shows affection and recites love poems he found online, because he read that was romantic.

Oliver: Confusion, but also empathy-- you must have been hurt so much in your life! He'd be so gentle with you, constantly giving you reassurance and love. He does all the cheesy romantic cliches with you.

Oxnard: A little upset, and he tries to stay upset until he sees you crying-- it's not your fault you're afraid of love. You end up telling him what happened to you to cause your fear, and when he sees the hurt in your eyes, it breaks his heart. Humans are so delicate.. He swears he'll never break your heart.

Omega: Calls your fear stupid, but then he sees how hurt you are.. He takes his words back, and tells you he'll love you for a long, long time. He's a passionate boy when it comes down to it, so well, he'll passionately show you how much he loves you.

Doc would be really understanding, and would insist on you talking to someone, he respects your fear, and keeps his distance, but also..the two of you grow closer, and you trust him. You two become a lovey dovey couple.

Illinois would be the second most understanding, since he knows what it's like fearing love. He fears it himself. But the two of you love each other, and decided to work through it together, learning to trust each other and show love constantly. Illinois loves flirting with you and pampering you with affection, you're the only one who managed to tame the untamable rover.

Magnum gets it. He's lost so many of his crew members that he's afraid of getting too close to anyone else again, but then..well, he met you. When you two confess, and you both admit your fear, you both vow to help each other through it. He constantly gives you treasures and jewels, you're also the only one who's allowed to call him by his name. He also gives you so much affection-- lots of hugs and tickle fights.

Eric shares your fear. He's lost so many.. And he's afraid of getting hurt, because well, he loved and trusted his dad and..well, he got hurt. He's so afraid of getting hurt, and so are you. The both of you dodge the topic of how you feel for each other, it takes years for the both of you to confess finally, and after that, well, you already trust each other so much, so you know you'd never get hurt by one another.

Bing understands, and he gets it, so he does SO much research, staying up for days until he gets every smidgen of information he can. He watches Youtube vids about it, researches, and takes notes, so he won't forget. He sets you an appointment with Doc, gives you gifts, and does whatever it takes for you to trust him. He also spends lots of time with you, getting to know you better.

Yan would be SO confused. How could you be afraid of falling in love? It feels amazing! Oh..someone hurt you? Oh no, that won't do, that won't do at all. He'll make sure that person pays. He also spoils you, whatever it is, it's yours-- unless you want to leave. But why would you? He's so sweet and kind, and perfectly loving.

King would be confused because..is that normal? He'd prove himself by giving you things he caught, and other treasures he found. He's also just openly affectionate with you, giving you hugs so freely, and saying that he loves you so much. He'd be so loving, goodness. You'd be pampered with love.

All in all, the egos would do their best to help you.

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