Egotober day 29- Ghoul, Count iplier and reader

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An: I know Count is mainly just Markiplier as a vampire, and he's been going around tumblr. So, I used justwritingscibbles (AND COUNT IS HER OC, I didn't know this at the time of posting! Because i thought he was a fandom ego, which is dumb, i know! So! PLEASE go check out her blog and give her character some love.) on him as inspiration! I'm sorry if this story is clunky.. I really had no idea what to do for ghoul, so I hope this is okay!
Also— is there a difference between ghoul and ghost?? Like? Idk.

The wind whispered cold outside of the old house, caressing the black wooden walls with red leafy fingers. Inside, the wind was not so gentle— it howled and shrieked in old abandoned halls, rattled pots and pans in the kitchen, and screamed with delight in each and every stairway, dancing with the ghoul who haunts the hallways.

Long ago, the ghoul had been rich, young.. that is all they can remember— that they had a life before, where they could not dance with the wind, or waltz with the dark cats and bats of the lovely night. Before, they did not love night, did not wish for the sun to rest and set, did not wish for darkness... but now, now they craved it like chocolate. They craved the soft smoky violet sky and the twinkling of the stars.

The night had been like any other, it was autumn, late autumn, to be exact. The trees were scarcely covered, but still shedding leaves the color of sunsets. The ghoul loved autumn, because the leaves always kept them company during that time, and the wind, chill and brisk, came to visit like an old friend. Lurking in the hallways and whispering songs of colder lands.

The ghouls has been too busy dancing and listening to the stories of the winter breeze, that they didn't hear the front door creak open.

The wind stopped blowing, swirling around them in caution, saying softly, someone is in the house! Someone is in the house!

The ghoul, (Y/n), looked around, clothes and hair flowing softly as they did. They listened, hearing footsteps echo down the empty halls. They heard the floorboards creak and moan. They felt the wind disappear swiftly out the window of the old bedroom. (Y/n) sighed, and then turned towards the door, floating out.

They went down the hall, and down the stairs, frowning all the way, hating the human who scared the wind away. That wind only came around this time of year, and was the only one who stayed to keep them company. The other winds never did that. No matter how much they begged.

Standing at the bottom stair, they looked around the living room, seeing a cloaked man. Their eyebrows furrowed in anger, lips twisting into a scowl.

"Why are you in my house?!" They asked. They didn't expect an answer. They only expected to be ignored again. But still— they were so angry! How dare this stupid human come into their house, uninvited?!

The figure, clearly startled, turned, much to their surprise. Gathering courage, they puffed up their chest, "Well?! Don't you know it's rude to enter someone's house without permission?!"

The figure, a red eyed, pale man blinked, before catching himself, "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't know that there was anyone living here."

The figure (who (Y/n) assumed was a he) had an.. almost.. comical voice. He sounded like that teen who came in a few years ago, dressed like a vampire, clearly faking their accent. The mysterious man's voice didn't sound fake at all.

"I do hope I haven't upset you— you see, I heard this house was.. well, abandoned, and decided to look around, since it seemed like a nice place."

(Y/n) but their fists on their hips, raising an eyebrow, "Nice?"

"Well... yes, for someone of my kind, you see."

They nodded, lips pressed into a firm line, "Your kind?"

The man nodded, eyes glowing like two flaming rubies in the moonlight, "I'm a vampire, you see."

"Uh huh. A vampire— and I'm still alive."

The man frowned, "I will prove it."

(Y/n) sighed, desperate to get this man out of their house, "Go ahead."

Suddenly, a swarm of smoke invaded the room, and a bat flew where the man once was. (Y/n) blinked in surprise, but then rolled their eyes.

"You said vampire, not a magician."

The bat growled before turning into a man once more, "Do you not see my fangs?"


The man flashed his teeth, and a pair of pearly fangs sparked in the moonlight.

"Those could be fakes."

"My claws? My accent? Do these not scream vampire?"

"They scream costume. It is Halloween, isn't it?"

The man laughed, "Oh that was a month ago!"

"How do I know you aren't lying?"

"Why would I dress up as a vampire and go into an old house?"

"Why not? Maybe to take a photo."

The man groaned in frustration, "I really am a vampire. And I do not need to prove it to a stupid ghost!"

(Y/n) stuck out their tongue, "And I don't need a fake vampire invading my house!"

"Well! I need somewhere to stay! A place to put my coffin so I can be closer to my family!"

(Y/n) blinked, "Family?"

"Yes.. my family, they live close by."

The ghoul sighed, feeling a softness bloom in their chest. The man— vampire, whatever he was, seemed lonely, saying those words. (Y/n) knew the feeling.

"Fine, you can stay— but if you aren't what you claim, you'll pay.. dearly."

The supposed vampire smiled, "My name is count, and yours?"


Count smiled, "Well, it was nice to meet you.. I have to go, for dawn is soon, and I must get my coffin. I'll be back tomorrow night."

The ghoul rolled their eyes, doubting what he said, "Alright, see you tomorrow night."

"See you."

The Count left, and (Y/n) swore they saw him disappear, but figured it was just another trick. Humans could be like that, full of tricks.

The next night, the wind visited, shrieking down the halls, brining leaves with it, (Y/n) danced with the cold once more, listening to its stories. Just as the night before, they were too caught up in its song.

Oh! Someone is in the house again!
The wind whispered, causing the ghoul to sigh.

"It's the same human from yesterday."

That's no human!


That's a vampire! I've seen them so many times, have blown over their cold skin..
the wind shivered, scattering leaves across the room before leaving once more, howling out the window.

They went downstairs again, seeing the Count, who held a coffin.

"Hello." He said, smiling.


"Are you really a vampire?"

"Yes— and are you really a ghost?"

"Well, no... not exactly. I'm a ghoul."

"Oh, my mistake."

"It's alright.." (Y/n) paused, "Here, I'll show you a place to put your coffin, somewhere nice and dark."

"Thank you."

They showed him to a bedroom underneath a tree. The curtains had survived the years of neglect, and covered the windows.

The count smiled, "This is perfect. I'll have to buy new curtains, but otherwise it's wonderful! Thank you for letting me stay!"

"You're welcome." (Y/n) smiled, not feeling so lonely anymore.

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