⚀ Meet The Team; Chapter Ten ⚀

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The Castle of Lions is a beauty like no other you'd seen. Even the dock where you got off of the Green Lion was beautiful. It was a cleansing sight for your eyes, especially so when considering that all you had seen was pitch-black darkness, dark walls and low-watt purple lighting for the past several months. You had to squint the second those mechanical jaws opened, but you soon found a tolerable point where you could minimally see.

The group of aliens basically ran out of the green warship when they found out it was safe to, eager for somewhere to rest, some place to get clean, and access to clean water and proper nutrients. All of which you had lacked for far too long.

"The Paladins of Voltron are all human? Did you have to adjust the regulations of the castle to have an oxygenated atmosphere?" You began to ask, throwing the first question out subtly to aid your suspicions about the Black Paladin.

"Yeah, we all went to the Garrison at one point too. As for the atmosphere, we can breathe it. We never have issues with oxygen anywhere else, either. Our armor suits can keep it cycling as long as we need it." They informed, rambling a bit. Despite her feeding you information you didn't ask for, you ate it up happily.

"Isn't it all spectacular? The advanced technological advancements, and weaponry of levels we've never even dreamed of existing on Earth.." You muttered, running your hand slowly and softly down the inner mouth of the lion. The young Paladin nodded, with a new found appreciation for what she had been gifted.

"I have a question," You remembered, springing up from your previous tone. "The Black Paladin, is he a man with white hair in the front and a scar running across the bridge of his nose?" You placed a finger on your face, laying it on your nose to show the point you were trying to make. "My old cell mate went by Shiro, and unless I'm just crazy, he sounded very similar to-"

"You're Shiro's old cellmate?!" Pidge gasped, standing up straight and looking you right in the eyes. Her expression was as if you had confessed that you were secretly an assassin for hire, or something of the shocking sort. It was bewildered, in awe, and contained a dash of urgency.

"He has to know you're okay! Because of what you did, his PTSD keeps him up so late at night. You have to see him!" She demanded, grabbing you by your sore forearm and yanking you out of the machine.

She was running, practically dragging you down the stretched walkway of the hangar. The walls were clean and white like the floor, adorned and accessorized with soft green lights to fit the aesthetic of her ship.

When you were about halfway to the exit, a tall figure approached the entryway. He had on armor like Pidge's, only made with black accents instead of green. After he took off his helmet, you gasped, making Pidge stop as you did.

"Did everyone aboard the Green Lion make it out safely?" Shiro asked, and Pidge confirmed. Before she could speak again, or bring you up, the Black Paladin started talking again.

"Pidge, wow. The new training hologram I asked you for is very.. realistic. You made a model of a Garrison student?" He muttered, gesturing towards you.


He didn't believe it was you.

'What?-' You thought.

"I don't think I'll be able to fight this one. Just looks like someone I used to know." He smiled an apologetic smile, reaching out to touch what he thought was pixels and light. However, when he touched your hair and it rustled, leaving residue from your unwashed locks, you could have sworn time had frozen him.

"Wh... why?..." he stuttered, reaching out both of his hands to touch your shoulders. You giggled at him, only bullying him a little bit as he stood, being flabbergasted.

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