♡ Hanging Out; Chapter Twenty ♡

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That night, Keith slept in your room, with a large chunk of untrustworthy thoughts still left floating in his head. The same head laid happily still in the crook of your neck, and his arms wrapped around you securely as you both slept.

While it was heaven, accompanied by the heavenly feeling of warm protection, the presence of his lips buried thoughtlessly into your neck found a way to torture you. Keith adjusted himself, making you freeze as you lie awake, careful not to wake him up.

And then you sneezed. Like a bad cliche of what you didn't want. 'Universe, I'm with your defenders now, I don't deserve this. Why.'

You cursed inside your head as he shot up, arms wrapped tighter around you as he looked for the threat he had prepared for. "It was just me, sorry." You mutter through the thick layer of tired on your throat.

"No, no. It's okay." He kisses your cheek, smooth and passionate. The touch leaves fire on your face, mixed with the heat of blush, leaving you grinning like a giddy child inside. "I'm just worried."


"All of that talk in the docking bay about mates and stuff." He mutters, moving to lay on his back, bringing you to rest your head on his chest. "I don't think his intentions are all that good. We don't even know most of what he did to you while you were under that spell, it's all just unsafe."

You hum and nod, wanting nothing else but to listen to his steady heartbeat. Like a pair of Keith brand headphones, with a track that plays just for you. All this talk of being stressed, but his nerves don't waver. The track calms you when his words can't. "Staying awake won't do you any good."

"You were awake." He says, putting you into a true, guilty situation. "Right?"

"I can't sleep at the moment, but you can. Use that to your advantage." You counter. He frowns. You add: "I would be a bad friend if I kept you up."

"Friend?" There's a glint in his eyes. It looks bad for you, and great for him. "Oh? Do friends do this?"

You're being tackled against the bed, nose crinkling and voice erupting with cackling as he tickles your sides. He swallows your laughter in sweet kisses of force, yet you don't oblige. It had been ages since you'd laughed. Especially as hard as you just did. It was refreshing, like a cold wave of light and purity crashing upon your dark being, and it was especially welcome.

"Wow." You say weightlessly once he pulls away. "What if I told you that your affection makes me sleepy?"

A lighthearted scoff echoes off of cold walls. "Then I might consider just going to sleep too, and I should just stop kissing you altogether. Sounds like a health hazard."

Protest or dignity?

"Fine by me, let's see how long you last. Goodnight Kogane." You laugh.

"Try to sleep." He says.

It takes a about an hour for you to finally drift off. However, tonight, while the nightmares try to lash out at you, a protective presence wards them away, scaring off all of your fears and worries. Comfort and hazy, warm clouds linger instead, capsuling you inside an orb of tender feeling. Is this what love feels like?

Whatever it may be, at least you're safe. For the first time in too long, you're finally safe.

A gentle, light rap on your door wakes you and Keith, who shoots up with the same reaction of last night, only he grabs his blade with a hand he freed seconds later this time. That's actually what woke you up; the sudden jerk of his arm squeezing your waist like a boa constrictor. "HRK-"

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