Chapter Five- Horse Day

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This was the day I was going to spend with the horses. I hop into my jeans that I wore the day before and also into the tea shirt that I wore yesterday. I'm up bright and early, 5:48 to be precise. I walk into the barn without even having breakfast. I grab Romeo and Shurlock. I put Shurlock in the round pen to warm up, he is a barrel racer so he needed time to warm up. I put Romo's light western saddle on and put his black beautiful bridle on. Then I hope on him and ride off the Silent Cove. We probably spent and hour out before we came back in. I un tacked Romo and tacked up Shurlock. When I got on Shurlock he was a little skiteys and jumped, I bet you he just wanted to run. I decided that I would take Shurlock around some barls only for 15 minutes. We did 4 rounds of the barrels in 15 minutes, I thought that was pretty good because I'm not that good at barrel racing. I have only competed 3 time and got third on all of them. I spot the horses in the second paddock so I decided that I would round them in.
"Ssshp, ssshp." I said as I chased them in. I got the into the first paddock and then I pushed Spartan and Pixie In to the round pen. I walk over to the heard, I want to say goodbye one by one. Gypsy, Jazz, Mick, Trouble, Milky, Sir and Onyx, there all our horses. I put Shurlock away and got a saddle that was designed for beginner horses, I also got a bridle of Lillianas. I walk back to the round pen to see that Gypsy and Sir were the only one left. I give Gypsy a pat and walk back over to Spartan. Gypsy was mums horse she hadn't been riden in a long time.
"Hi boy, want to be broken in." Spartan shot his head up to say 'yes, why not'. "Ok let's start easy." I walk into the pen and motion Pixie into a corner, she will stay. I click my tongue pushing Spartan to do some join up, it's a thing that my family uses to break in horses. Spartan was a gentle horse but he could get fierce. So I had to wait to break him in till I was 13 and that's now. I had broken in 5 horses with Dad and 2 by my self with dad standing on the side lines not helping. So I know what I am doing. After 10 minutes of join up I turn my back to Spartan hopping he would come in. He dose, this is going well. I clip the lead rope onto his holster and walk him over to the fence. I tie him on a garb the saddle. I then place it in the middle of the pen , then I walked back over to Spartan to get him. I click my tough and pull him forward but he won't move so I decided to, close his eyes with my hand and pull him forward. It worked, he went with me over to the saddle. I took my hand away from his face, he is now calm. I pick up the saddle and Spartan show me that he is ready. I walk to his left side and rub the saddle on his back. Then I walked over to his right side and rub it on his back. Then I wait for his qui to put the saddle on. I place it on carefully and he seems to not mind. I don't tie up the girth but I walk him in a circle both ways. Then I tied a spare lead rope around the both of the stirrups and across the saddle to put a little weigh on him. I then walk in a circle both ways. After I finish taking him in a circle. I untie the rope and tie up the girth. I then put my foot in the stirp and step on and off. Next I went around to the other side and did the same. "Who, easy Spartan." I said when he starts to walk, Pixie snorted when Spartan got closer. Then Spartan stops and I stepped on and off. I pulled Spartan over to the bridle and put it on. I hoped back on him, the back side so he can get use to it and then walked.

"Come on Spartan, out you go.' It was like an hour I have been working with him and I got him into a trot. I was so happy, that I gave I'm a treat. I let him go and his girlfriend Pixie follows. I walk back to the barn with the saddle, bridal, lead rope, space rope and the treat box. I gave Boomer a pat and walk back to the house. "Hey Mum," I said grabbing a very hot cookie "Dad, I got Boomer into trot."

"Really great, maybe while you are gone I can ride Pixie."

"Yea, sounds good. I'm goanna go finish packing." I walked into my room and my laptop dings, Its Cloe. "Hey Maddy. How are you?" I right back to her quickly.

"I'm good how are you? Today I broke in one of my horses Spartan."

"I'm good. Congrats."

"Hey, I need to go pack but see you very soon. Bye" I walk over to my dresser. I grab all my jewellery and pack them. Mum walks in while I am grabbing the boxes and taping them. "Maddy, are you go shopping tomorrow."

" Yes mum."

"Lunch is ready by the way."

"Ok coming.'' I walk over to my bed and place the box on my white and blue queen size bed. I'm goanna miss my room.

It was after lunch and there was a big storm. I had to run out and lock the horses up. It was a very big storm that last about 2 hours. Are dogs were going cray. I was watch my fav TV show, Heartland, with my cat, Bella. I was also going to miss her.

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