Ch 1 Betrayal.

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"Gracie, Gracie were home princess," I opened my eyes to see my dad looking down on me, I jumped up in my seat and looked out the window and sure enough we were back in Oxford.

It was getting late and I was exhausted, I felt like I'd suddenly aged overnight, I giggled to myself, dad pulled me up out of my seat and we grabbed our bags.

As the doors opened, two guys dressed all in black came in "Gracie carteri you are under arrest, you will come with us now" I felt a little freaked the memories of Rheba came flooding back, dad dragged me behind him.

"What has she done wrong?" the two men didn't acknowledge my dad, "Gracie, you must come with us now!" I stepped forward and stood my ground.

"Why do I have to come with you?" They glared at me, "The illegal consumption of elder's blood" I almost sank back in my seat this was correct.

I had, in fact, consumed two bags, I moved forward and put my wrists out, one of the guy's placed handcuffs on my wrists, Draco stepped forward.

"Remove those handcuffs now! I am Draco Frost, head bodyguard to the elder's and Gracie carteri is under my care, both guys looked at each other, my mum was crying and getting hysterical.

I couldn't see others get in trouble too "I'll come with you now," I turned round to all of them, "I'll be fine, go home I'll call you, I followed the two guy's out to their car and got in.

I looked out the back window and saw the others rushing around putting the bags in the car, I was nervous to say the least, never in my life have I ever been in trouble with the law.

I was shaking with nerves, every now and then I would catch one of the guy's looking at me it was eerie, it reminded of the two guy's who kidnapped me but somehow this felt worse.

I was being arrested and being taken before the elder's but surely Simone would help me.

To my surprise, we pulled up outside Leighton's house and one of the guy's helped me out the car and pulled me into the house.

"Surprise! Everyone was standing in the lobby, there was a banner saying welcome home there were balloons, what the hell! How can they call this a surprise?

Leighton zoomed past his mum punching the guy who was holding me flying, "How dare you put Gracie in handcuffs, baby, are you ok?" I just glared at him.

"What do you think?" Simone came over and apologized "I'm sorry Gracie, we thought we would surprise you, maybe our humour is a little dry" was she serious, I've just been made to believe I'm in trouble and in fact it was my welcome home party, and then I did something I didn't think I would ever do I began laughing out loud.

I could suddenly see the funny side of it all, just then I jumped, Draco came storming through the door, his face like thunder, I turned around to look at him, to ease his angst shouting "Surprise!"

He looked around at everyone and began laughing with me, my mum and dad walked past Draco and everyone was cheering, Simone took my mum's hand in her's, "Welcome home Janet, I hope you're feeling better now," mum smiled.

"Yes and thank you for helping me" Simone smiled "You're most welcome after I would like to speak to you and Peter" mum nodded.

I felt hands on my shoulders, I turned round to see Joe, Joshua and Fealan, I was hugging them all, ahhhh God, it felt so good to be hugging them again.

"Dammit Gracie we've missed you," they were musical notes to my ears, "I've missed you all to" Leighton broke up our moment.

"Can I steal my girlfriend away for a minute," he looked at me smiling, wow, I've missed that smile, he dragged me into a side room, he closed the door and his lips were on mine.

"Gracie, Gracie, Gracie I've missed you, baby, I've been going out of my mind without you" and his lips were on me again I was gasping for breath, his hands wereall overer me picking me up wrapping my legs around his waist, I pulled away looking at him, it had only been a month but damn he had changed, his arms were bulkier, his body was ripped and he was driving me crazy.

"I've missed you too babe, I wished you were with me," he strokes my face "All you had to do was say and I'd have come to you, you know that" I smiled "I know you would have, but when I saw Taylor he said you were in Paris sorting out a few rogues, how did it go," he looked at me confused.

"When did you see Taylor?" Oops damn did I put my foot in it, "I got Taylor to talk to his mum and your mum about turning mum and dad, he said you were all on business," he relaxed a little?

"Oh right ok, yeah we had some trouble in Paris, we found Reba's mum and dad, we brought them in for questioning, turns out Reba's brother Tobias has been making trouble, but we can't find him."

I froze, Tobias was still out there? What if he comes after me, Leighton held me tighter he heard me.

"Baby you're safe, trust me, I'm going to look after you properly," I laid my head under his neck not saying a word, "Come on let's get back to the party."

When we went back to the party, I looked around for my mum and dad I couldn't see them anywhere but I spotted Joe.

I walked over to her "Joe, you saw my folks?" She nodded, "Yeah they both went with aunt Simone somewhere," I nodded in response, she wrapped her arms around me "It really is great to have you home hun, friends forever," tears were shared by us both.

I smiled at Joe, "We will catch up later babe I want to find my folks make sure their ok" she nodded.

"Oh right ok cool, music was playing out through the house it was vibrating through the floor, my body wanted to dance but my head was elsewhere, I wanted to sleep. People were everywhere, hugging me, welcoming me home, some of these people I didn't even know, it was all a little too much I was looking around everywhere but I still couldn't find mum and dad.

Leighton came up behind me, wrapping his arms around me swaying to the music, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck he whispered in my ear "Welcome home baby."

The room went silent I followed the gaze of the others up to the top landing and there were my parents and Simone, she cleared her throat before she spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to introduce the newest recruits to our families, Peter will be joining Draco in head of security and Janet will be joining Evie with fashion designing, I hope you will all help them to settle in."

There were cheers everywhere I looked at Leighton, "What's going on, they already have jobs," he smiled "When you're a vampire Gracie, we work for the elder's, besides they will be well looked after and paid much more than they get paid in their normal jobs," I shook my head but didn't say a word I walked away and got a drink, so because we are vampires we are basically controlled by the elder's, so we can't just lead normal lives, we have our lives owned, suddenly I felt a bit like a slave plus extremely the.

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