Ch17 Betrayal.

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"Why are we here," Gracie asked looking at Andreas with a confused look on her face.
"You'll see," came his reply.
They were both stood in a green field, surrounded by the depths of the forest, the sun was now reaching it's apex, no clouds could be seen anywhere.
"Are you ready princess?" Gracie watched as Andrea clicked his neck the sound made her feel queasy, "Ready for what" she retorted as a look of utter confusion was apparent on her face, Andreas chuckled.
"For your training Gracie," I blinked, what the hell.
"What do you mean training?" I asked, "It's time you learnt to control and harness your energies" a raised smile appeared on Andreas perfect face.
This is going to be torture I  thought to myself, I  knew it was true though I  had to control it fast before I  hurt someone badly.
As I focused back on Andreas I felt a swift slap to the side of my head where did he go, I turned round to find him behind me.
"Ow, I cried out, what the hell," Andreas held no emotion, "Do you think your enemy will give you a prior warning when he attacks" Andreas yelled.
"You have to be prepared at all times, concentration is key Gracie," with that he hit me with the other hand, I didn't even see it coming, I only knew it happened after I felt it.
"Pay attention!" He snapped.
"You need to be able to protect yourself," he retorted.
"I can" I shouted back.
"Really, you haven't so far" he spat as his hand connected with my head again.
Andreas knew what he was doing, he could see the anger building up in Gracie, he could also feel it.
Andreas continued slapping Gracie waiting for some sort of defence, her head was red with every slap that connected.
"STOP" Gracie shouted, power now emanating from her voice, finally! Andreas could see the vampire stirring inside her now.
"Good girl," he replied, "Let all those feelings out, Gracie."
I laughed as he continued with barrage, "Try to stop me if you can Gracie," he could tell it wouldn't be long now, he could see Gracie losing control.
He swung his arm this time Gracie blocked it, then another and another she was starting to defend herself, he wasn't sure if it was Gracie or her vampire.
I could feel the strength building up inside of me now, I could actually anticipate Andreas every move, I was blocking every time Andreas tried to strike me.
"Good, better," Andreas responded, A low kick strikes my ankle hitting the mark making me lose balance knocking me to the ground.
"How is this supposed to help me," I screamed at Andreas.
"It will help harness your strength, agility and skills if you allow it to," he paused.
"To do what" I spat back.
"To release yourself," Andreas shouted as he jumped at her.
I scrambled to my feet just in time to step aside from the advance, I turned only to have Andreas solid body slam into me knocking me flying to the ground, pain soared through my body, I grabbed my side as I felt something digging into my skin, a sharp stone had ripped through my sweats grazing it, I could smell the blood instantly as it started beading to the top.
I stood feeling angrier now, I could feel the air around me changing, the anger was now turning into power, it was rolling off me as Andreas looked at me, shaking slightly.
"CONCENTRATE GRACIE," he bellowed using what could only be described as an alphas voice.
Tears were welling up as the anger was growing stronger inside me, "You are weak, frail, you will never be able to protect yourself I'm wasting my time with you,  turning on his heels he walked away, how dare he walk away from me.
The air changed again, the air that was once breathable was now getting thinner limiting the oxygen we could inhale.
Andreas started coughing gasping for air.
"Don't you dare walk away from me or turn your back when I need you," I screamed at Andreas before leaping in the air landing right in front of him, he smiled, "At last," he croaked out, "Now breathe Gracie, release me im  your friend."
I looked down at Andreas his once tanned complexion was now becoming paler as he was  gasping for air, I started feeling remorse for him, oh god I did this, soon the air started going back to it's previous altitude, Andreas slumped down taking in a deep breath of air
I instantly checked to make sure he was ok, just as I was about to touch him he pounced on me, for some reason I was anticipating it.
Andreas lunged forward with such speed and accuracy, I could feel the power emanating from him now as though my senses were now heightened, as he came closer I kicked my foot into his chest with such force sending him flying back into a tree.
I could hear the wood splintering, his bones crunching in a sickening way I thought he was going to be angry instead he smiled, "Very good Gracie, you have finally accepted the power from within you.....NOW USE IT."
Andreas rose from the ground running straight for me with such speed that to the naked eye it would just look like a blur.
I sidestepped his advance, turning quick as he sent slap after slap, kick after kick at me, I blocked most a few landed with such power it winded me but not enough to make me stop, I landed quite a few myself some with such force that sent him backwards.
I was slowly getting better when suddenly the gong went silencing us both letting us know dinner was served.
We both walked back towards the house looking battered, bruised, sweat dripping from us, both in complete pain it was so bad it was seething through us.
"Next time I won't be so lenient on you so be prepared Gracie," he chuckled as we got to the back door, once inside Leighton looked up from the chair he ran over to me scooping me up in his arms, "Shit Andreas, did you have to be so tough on her?' Andreas crackled, "Leighton if you had seen her out there you would have been so proud of her, she's fine honestly, she accepted her power which was exactly what I was aiming for."
I could feel the anger from Leighton through our bond, I snuggled into him trying to ease his apprehension.
"Honestly baby I'm fine, he really helped me don't be mad," Leighton kissed my head nodding solemnly at me.
"See you in the morning lovebirds, oh btw Gracie, my wolf was impressed by you."
With those last words he walked away leaving us alone.
Leighton kissed my head, "Let's get you some blood baby, you need to heal some of those cuts are deep, they will take a while.
I was too exhausted to argue.
After I was fully sated Leighton carried me to our room laying me on the bed, that was the moment sleep took over I never even heard Leighton get in next to me I was already gone.

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