Ch19 Betrayal.

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Leighton's POV

"Leighton wake up! WAKE UP!" I jump up to see Andrea's standing by the door, "What is it?" I can see the pain in his eyes I move to sit on the edge of my bed gazing around the room searching for Gracie, I felt unsettled.
"It's Gracie, she's in the infirmary," I grab my sweats darting past him to search for her, I get near the door and my body freezes, blood is so
potent in the air that my claws start to extend, my teeth elongating through my gums at an impeccable rate, they ached with want, this wasn't going to be good at all.
"Leighton, get yourself under control and get in there she needs you," I look back to see Andrea's rearing up on my left.
Snapping myself out of my bloodlust I shake myself, angry at my inner turmoil for ever thinking like that, I nod at Andrea's as I open the door.
"Thank god, Leighton get over here I need you to try and close some of these wounds up," I rush over to Gracie almost crumbling to the floor, the sight before me was bad, if I had a heart it would be broken in two right now, she was so badly wounded, she was finding it hard to breathe, her blouse was torn stained in so much blood, anger soared through my body whoever did this will feel my wrath, I tenderly licked at her wounds hoping my saliva would heal her somewhat, but nothing was happening, "Why ain't she healing mum?" mums looked at me solemnly, "She has lost a lot of blood son, Louise bring in the blood," Louise entered moments later attaching the blood to the I.V line I looked over to see Andrea's standing looking at Gracie with an awed look, what the hell, Gracie suddenly coughed jolting me back to look at her.
"Gracie, baby I'm right here," she grabbed my arm, the blood had somewhat stopped the bleeding, but her wounds still wasn't healing, nicking the vein in my wrist I brought it to her mouth, "Drink baby, you need to heal quicker, I placed my wrist to her mouth she attached herself moments later, as soon my blood flowed down her throat my knees collapsed, pain rushed through my body, it plummeted so fast I screamed out, Andrea's was behind me holding me up while Gracie's eyes flew open, she dropped my wrist grabbing at me "Baby what's wrong? My eyes went wide, "Why did you turn your pain off to me, or better still how did you turn it off? When you fed on me it was like I was hit by a freight train of pain, it was so immense it must have been all the pain you endured hitting me all at once, this is how I didn't wake when it was happening, it's clear now you stopped me from feeling it baby, but how? I could Have been there, I could have prevented all of this from happening."
Gracie shook her head, "I don't know how any of this happened, I went to look for Andrea because I was angry at him after yesterday I couldn't find him anywhere, then 3 people attacked me when I woke up here."
Andrea's whined as mum grabbed his ear dragging him out the room, kissing Gracie's head, I tell Louise to watch her as I follow them down the hall to mums office.
"Where were you? She could have been killed Andreas," I walk into mums office to witness Andreas halfway up the wall with my mum's hand attached to his throat his legs dangling in the air gasping for air.
"Look at CCTV number 12, rewind it back you will see what happened," mum looked over at me motioning me to the laptop with her head as she held Andreas in her firm grip.
Opening the laptop up to the CCTV clicking on area 12, rewinding it back.
Area 12 comes into view, I see three hooded figures hiding behind bushes playing hide and seek then they would dart across the screen at impeccable speed it was clear to tell they weren't human, question is how did they get in, why did we not sense them earlier, I look over to mum "You might wanna see this, just then I saw Gracie coming into view now she was scared, you could tell, just as I looked back to my mum the audio kicked in a scream echoed through the room I look back to see Gracie her hair was blowing in the wind she looked almost ethereal, then she spoke to the figures threatening them but that wasn't her voice, that was the voice I heard a few nights ago, her vampire was in control now and wow what a sight, she was gracefully dancing towards them now no fear anywhere she was breathtakingly beautiful, Two came at her at the same time I watched on to see her majestically tackle them bringing them to the ground whilst she was receiving some all mighty blows she was also blocking a lot too giving some precise hits back, I winced every time they slashed open her beautiful body but then out of nowhere she pounced ripping them apart with precision, body parts flew across the forest floor and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride fill me up as I watched her, my baby can fight, I was so proud, I look up at Andreas to see him smiling at me like he was feeling just as proud as I was right now, my eyes gazed back to the screen to see her slumped against a tree, the last figure was now prowling towards her lifeless body, "No, no Gracie wake up baby," I screamed at the screen only to be stumped seconds later as her eyes flew open to reveal the most piercing green eyes I've ever seen, she looked like a goddess, words were forming on her lips it was quiet at first but as her arm raised the words got louder, I recognised them they were the ancient ones, I was told about them as a child, how they will bestow a magic user in times of peril, this was defenaitly now.
The words were getting faster now the light started changing around her, suddenly the third figure was engulfed in a bright green fire his high pitched screams being swallowed up by the flames as though he was mute but the expressions on his face were a look of utter fear, his skin started melting, his bones sticking through with one last word from Gracie the figure exploded into a pile of dust.
I slumped back into the chair in complete and utter shock, exhilaration, pride, so many emotions where racing through my body right now that Gracie, my Gracie, could actually be this powerful I never would have imagined it had I not seen it with my own eyes, I look up at my mum to see a look I haven't seen in forever the look of admiration, envy was clear on her face she adored Gracie I knew this much already, but this was something different.
"She's the most amazing species I've ever met, how she held herself out there was something else Leighton, I've never seen anything like it." I look up at Andreas smirking, "She's something alright, but she's also mine," Andreas chuckled knowingly at me, "She untapped her full potential today but she needs help with the magic, she ain't fully in control with that."
Throughout this whole time, mum hasn't said a word, I look up to see unshed tears.
"Mum what's wrong?" she shook her head as she looked down at me, "oh nothings wrong, I'm just in shock I guess, she's simply amazing but I want extra precaution around her at all times, especially away from here, she's gonna be a target Leighton no doubt, and we can't lose her."

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