The Celebration

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Itabby sat on the counter watching you and and Hercules making breakfast. It was your 9 month anniversary and after work you and Hercules were going to celebrate. You were cooking some eggs while Hercules stood behind holding you. Itabby ve~ meowed and Hercules turned to him and whispered something in his ear. "Ok, while ______'s at work, you and I are going to find _____ a gift. You must not tell her because it's gonna be a  surprise." "What?" "Oh nothing, I was just telling Itabby a fish joke." "Oooh, I love jokes, please share with me!" You clapped your hands, eager for the joke. "Ok, here it goes. Why did the fish get arrested?" "Why?" "Because he had seaweed!" You laughed so hard, you were in tears. "You're so funny Hercules!" "Yeah, all of the cats love it." "I love it too. But not as much as I love you.....And Itabby!!" You pecked his lips and nuzzled Itabby, making him purr. After breakfast, you kissed Hercules and Itabby goodbye before you headed out for work.

(Hercules's POV)

"Ok Itabby, now that _____ is at work, we must find her a gift." Itabby meowed in agreement. I pulled out two small pieces of magazine paper out of my pocket. I unfolded it to show Itabby the choices of the gifts. They both were rings. "Now Itabby, we need to agree on a ring to get ______. Along with a card and a box of chocolates. Would you like to get her a gift too?" Itabby ve~ meowed. "Ok, we'll both get her gifts!" Itabby and I high fived each other like friends do.

(Your POV)

While you were putting boxes into the storage, you saw your boss Antonio walking out of his office. He was walking towards you to help with the boxes. As you were working, you guys didn't say a word to each other until you broke the silence.

"Hey Antonio. I need your help with something." "What is it chica?" "My boyfriend and I are celebrating our 9 month anniversary, and I don't know what to get him." "What does he like _____?" "He likes cats, but he has a bunch of them, also, I don't want to get him something boring." "Well, you could get him a new TV or video game set or something." "Ok thank you Tony." "No problem chica."

You really should have asked him what he likes a long time ago, but you never thought about it until now.


(Hercules's POV)

"Ok Itabby, we got everything set for me and ______'s date tonight. Candles, dinner, flowers, the gifts, music, and us." Itabby ve~ meowed. "But Itabby, we will want to have some time alone for a couple of hours. It's ok though, you will get to see ______ and I have you gifts as well for helping me." I held out a ball of yarn, pasta, and a toy mouse. Itabby jumped into my arms and cuddled me close, purring deeply. "You're welcome Itabby." The door knob turned. "Oh! Itabby remember the plan!" "Ve~meow!" Itabby ran to the living room. I watched as Itabby did his part of the plan. "Hello Itabby." When I saw _____, her facial expression wasn't very happy like this morning. Itabby rubbed up against ______ and signaled her to sit on the couch. "Oh Itabby, I feel so bad. I didn't even get Hercules a present. I'm such a bad girlfriend. I didn't know what he likes besides cats." She began to cry. "And the worst part of it is, I didn't even ask him."

She walked into the kitchen and saw the stuff Itabby and I set up. She buried her hands in her face. She cried so hard.

I had enough of her suffering, I hugged her close to me and kissed her head. "Oh, ______ you didn't have to get me anything, you and Itabby are the best gifts I have. Nothing but you will satisfy me." I kissed her trembling lips softly. I wiped her tears away with my thumbs as her beautiful e/c eyes looked into my green ones. She hugged me tight and I rocked her side to side gently as we stood in the kitchen. I pulled out the ring and knelt down on one knee. "______, will you make me the most happiest, luckiest man in the world by marrying me?" More tears streamed down her pretty face as she looked down at me. "Yes Hercules Yes!!!" I picked her up and swung her around. Now I was crying because my love wants to be with me forever.

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