The Honeymoon

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You and Hercules took a plane trip to (where ever you want to go). You were gonna be away from Itabby for 3 months. The whole trip, you worried about the poor kitty. "Babe." "Yes my kitten?" "I'm worried about Itabby. He might get too scared or-" Hercules put a finger to your trembling lips. "He will be fine my love, I promise. We'll call often and make sure he is fine ok? Plus, Kiku is very good with cats and he will tell us if there is anything wrong with Itabby." He assured. You rested your head on Hercules's shoulder with his hand in yours the rest of the trip. Your hands were shaking like crazy and you couldn't control it. Hercules kissed your hand softly and rubbed it slowly. "I know ______, I know. When we get there, I'll make sure to call Kiku ok?" You nodded slightly. You liked how Hercules would make you feel better by comforting you. You knew he misses his cats at home too, but he really wanted to spend time with his new goddess wife.


You lied on the bed, watching Hercules walk around, looking for something. "What are you looking for Hercles?" You asked with a smile. "The phone, I'm going to call Kiku and ask him how Itabby is doing." You waved the phone in your hand with a sly smile. "Looking for this?" You asked. He started to take the phone from you, but you put it in the other hand. "______, I want to call Kiku, please give me the phone." You shook your head. "You gotta work for it." He looked at you confused. He watched you seductively spread your legs open and lick your lips. He blushed. "Come on Hercules, you want the phone, and I want you. Which do you want first?" "Y-you my kitten." You smiled as he crept on the bed to you and began kissing your neck roughly. ( At Kiku's House)

"I feel so sad that _____ and Hercules are away, but I'm happy that they are together and happy." Itabby told Germouser. "Vell, zhey vill be back soon Itabby. Just don't zhink about zhem so much. Not until zhey return at least, hmm zhey may even have a human kitten vith zhem vhen zhey come back." He said dully. "But that doesn't mean they wirr rove you any ress Itabby." Tama added. Germouser licked his paws quietly as Kiku came outside and picked up Tama and Itabby up and took them inside. Germouser meowed deeply, saying farewell to his two friends before leaving. Itabby laid on the couch most of the day, thinking about ______. He knew she is worried about him too. Kiku picked Itabby up and placed him on his lap then began petting his soft fur. "It's ok Itabby, ______ and Hercures wirr be home before you know it and ______ wirr be excited to see you. She misses you very much Itabby and she knows you are missing her too." Itabby meowed softly. A little tear came down his furry cheek. Kiku gave him a picture of ______, him, and Hercules at the wedding. Itabby purred when he saw the picture. "See, she'rr be back. And rater, we wirr carr ______ to see how she is doing." Itabby nuzzled Kiku's cheek.

(The Honeymoon Hotel)

Hercules plopped down next to you, panting and looking into your eyes. "That was great." He said in between pants. You nodded in agreement. "You get your prize now." You said, holding the phone. "No, I already got my prize. A beautiful woman like you next to me in bed with my last name." You blushed. "Awwww baby, that was sweet." He pulled you into a sleepy kiss. "Let's get to sleep and tomorrow, we'll call Kiku and ask about Itabby." You nodded and cuddled into his warm, muscular chest.

-The Next Day-

Hercules picked up the phone and dialed Kiku's number. You eagerly waited to hear Kiku pick up. "Herro?" "Hey Kiku, it's me Hercules. We just wanted to check on Itabby. Is he doing well?" "Oh yes, he was excited to get to carr you guys. Ret me put him on the phone." Itabby meowed into the phone. "Hello Itabby, would you like to talk to ______?" Itabby meowed loudly as you took the phone. "Hello my baby, how are you?" You cooed into the phone. Itabby meowed loudly and purred happily. "Me and Hercules will be home soon. And when we come home, you will get to see us again." He purred and meowed again. "Then we can all cuddle together and I have your favorite fishy snacks with me and you'll get some when we come home tomorrow." Itabby was delighted to hear his beloved owners were coming home to reunite with him. The next two hours you and Itabby talked and had cute conversations with each other until Kiku had to go. You felt so happy, knowing your kitty was ok. "Oh Hercules! You were right! Thank you, thank you!" You jumped into his arms, kissing him all over his face and neck. "Oh, we must get packed! I'm already ready to go back home to see Itabby!" Hercules grabbed your shoulders and held you still. "Calm down my kitten, I know you're excited but we have to be calm." Hercules was acting very strange and it was beginning to scare you. Usually he wasn't as calm and dull. You gave him a weird look. "Babe, are you alright? You seem kinda down in the dumps?" Hercules gave you a soft smile then patted your head. "I'm fine my love, just tired." He turned away to go to the bed. You plopped down on the floor and you sat quietly with your knees to your chest and your arms around your legs. I'm scared, I don't know what's wrong with my baby!

Sorry the chapter ended that way, it's just I couldn't find anything else to write and I know you guys were dying for me to update so here you are! I promise the next chapter will be a lot better though! :3

Greece X Reader: Love in SleepWhere stories live. Discover now