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[The Night After They Found Out]

"Maybe we are getting a boy and a girl." Elliot smiled, as he and his wife walked up the stairs and to their apartment.

"I'm so fucking happy." Olivia grinned, as she squeezed his hand. They had only let go of each other's hand when they had to get in and out of the car. Otherwise, they were holding onto each other tightly.

"I'm glad that you are happy, but I might be happier than you," Elliot smirked, and as soon as those words left his mouth his wife elbowed him in the side.

"So, what are we gonna do? Like should I take time off from work?"

"Liv, we have 30 weeks left, probably even less than that before the twins are born. We have time to think. To plan."

"I want to be completely involved in everything having to do with the babies. I wish that I knew we could afford for me not to work, but that nursery isn't going to be able to fit twins in there. We need a new place, and we need twice the amount of formula, diapers, clothes, and we need another crib and probably another bassinet. El, we have a shit ton to figure out and I don't think we should wait to figure this all out." Olivia spoke, as they neared their apartment.

"Okay, well let's eat dinner together and then we can talk. We can figure this all out, my love."


"Liv, what are you doing here?" Amanda asked as she watched her commanding officer walk into the squad room. She was looking better than when she last saw her, but Amanda didn't know why Olivia had looked so pale.

"My leave is up. I'm back to being the boss. I just gotta figure out how to tell Fin that he isn't the boss anymore." Olivia smiled, and Amanda laughed a bit but she still was curious. She watched as Olivia walked into her office and grabbed a few of Fin's items before carrying them back to her desk. Once she went back into her office and sat down, Amanda stood and walked into her office and shut the door behind her.

"Okay, what's up Rollins?"

"Where were you? You were gone for two weeks and didn't even come in to check up on us. Tucker said that Fin was the boss and that you'd be back after two weeks."

"I had to just take some time off. I was stressed and just needed some time off."

"Did Elliot take time off with you too?" Amanda asked, and Olivia sighed softly.

"He spent a few days with me." 

"Why did you leave with Tucker?"

"Amanda, please go and do your job. I have only been here for a few minutes and I need to settle back in before you interrogate me about taking time off." Olivia snapped a bit, which sent Amanda right out of her office.

Olivia felt like she was raising her crew, and they always threw little tantrums when they didn't get what they wanted or if she was a bit colder to them then usual.

Olivia leaned back in her chair and took a few deep breaths to calm herself before she did any harm to the twins. 

"So, I heard you came back to dethrone me." Fin smiled, as he walked into Olivia's office.

"Oh yeah, but the crown wasn't really yours. Only for two weeks and eventually, you'll be taking over for a bit longer."

"I will?" Fin asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, and you'll get the reason in due time. For now, why don't you go check on your partner? I'm going to get us a case."


Elliot spent his whole lunch looking into Olivia and his finances. He was checking to see if Olivia could get away with not working for an extended amount of time after the twins were born. She would probably quit her job if that meant she didn't have to miss a thing that happens with the twins. But as Elliot looked through everything, he noticed that they had spent a good amount of their savings to do the shots, and if they wanted a new place to call home, they'd both have to work overtime. He didn't want to make Olivia work more and worry about money.

"Nick Amaro." Elliot's partner, Richard Smith, spoke as he entered Elliot's office.

"Nick Amaro? What about him?" Elliot questioned.

"He just got picked up for hitting a suspect," Richard replied, and Elliot frowned.

"He used to be my wife's partner." Elliot breathed.

"I know, that's why I took the case. We gotta see if he has anger issues or not and if they get in his way of being an officer."

"Can we avoid picking him up? Just do some digging before deciding to bring him in?" Elliot spoke, and Richard nodded.

"Yeah, well see if your wife can talk to him. She seems to have a way with people, one that no one here has."

"She's kinda supposed to be stress-free." Elliot breathed.

"Aren't we all?" Richard laughed before turning and leaving Elliot's office. 

Elliot leaned his head against his arms as he thought about adding another thing to the list of items he had to discuss with his wife.


"Why are you so quiet tonight? Yesterday we were both so awake and excited that we barely slept." Olivia smiled, as she and Elliot ate salad for dinner.

"I'm just tired. Because you kept me up all last night with your chatter." Elliot smiled, as he tried to keep his feelings and thoughts away from this happy little bubble that they created to protect each other and the babies.

"No, come on El. I think that you are hiding something from me. I may be your wife and you are protecting me, but that doesn't mean you have to hide things from me."

"Nick is getting in trouble for his anger issues and we can't afford to get a new house, Liv. All of the shots drained most of our savings." Elliot breathed, and Olivia sat her fork down as tears welled in her eyes.

Elliot noticed but didn't say anything.

"We will just have to figure this all out, okay? I'll work up until the day the twins are born if that means we can afford a place with enough space for them to run around. We can figure this out. And in regards to Nick, I'll knock some sense into him. I have always been able to."

"Are you sure?" Elliot asked.

"I'm so sure."

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