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[The Day She Went Back: Part 2]

"So what do we have to talk about?" Elliot asked as he watched his mother lay Savannah back down on the blanket while he leaned back against the couch.

"Well, how you acted. I know that I told you I forgave you, but I'd like to know why you blamed it on me." Bernie frowned.

"You were the one there. You were the one that told Olivia about how sick Cade and Savannah were, and I just blamed you. I'm sorry, Mom."

"Did Olivia blame me?" Bernie asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"Nope. Olivia absolutely loves you, Mom. Someone had to break the news and you were just the one to do it."

"Good." She spoke, and Elliot sighed.

"Really forgive me now?" Elliot asked, and his mother nodded.

"I can't be angry at you, because you are my youngest son and the one who actually turned out good."


"I really just want to come home right now and see you all. I miss my babies." Olivia sighed, as she leaned back in her office chair at lunchtime. Her squad was all out eating lunch a dive near the precinct, and she opted out because she wanted to call Elliot and talk to him.

"They miss you too, Liv. Savannah absolutely hated me when I had to put her on oxygen for her nap time." Elliot sighed, as he lounged on the couch in their living room. Bernie had left by this time, and now it was just Elliot and the twins. They slept for about two hours before waking up, so he had two hours to waste.

"Savannah hates me when I have to put her on oxygen too. It's only been a day since their appointment, but maybe she's getting closer to not needing it..." 

"Liv, isn't this amazing though?" Elliot asked, and his wife was very confused.

"What is amazing?"

"Well, when we talk at lunch now, it isn't awkward because we found out that the pregnancy test was negative before you left for work. But now we can talk about the two babies we have. How Savannah is starting to fight her oxygen, how Cade absolutely loves to grab her hair when they try to hold their heads up. And, we can just talk about what makes us happy and not what makes us sad. We have the kids we want, and even if we both thought we'd have like 6 kids or something, the two we have are absolutely perfect and I love our life." Elliot spoke.

Olivia stayed silent on her side of the call as tears ran down her cheeks. Her husband wasn't that good with words, but when he was, it always made her cry. She had never thought about it the way Elliot has.

"There is always adoption if we ever wanted to get to that lucky number 6." Olivia smiled, as she wiped tears from her cheeks.

"There is. I'll see you tonight love, sorry for bothering you." Elliot spoke.

"You didn't... I'm cutting my day short. I'll see you soon."


Elliot and Olivia sat in the backyard of their house and introduced their completely bundled up babies to the crisp fall. Olivia held Savannah close as they sat on the deck stairs. For the first time in forever, both people realized how completely happy they were. And before they know it, their kids will be walking and talking, and the tiny little humans that have fought harder than anyone expected them to do before they were even born, would be amazing little humans who can show off their personalities. 

Getting to know their twins was something Elliot and Olivia both couldn't wait for.

"If their cheeks start getting red, we have to take them in," Olivia spoke, and Elliot chuckled softly and nodded.

"Yes dear."

"Don't be that man, Elliot." She sighed.

"What man?"

"The husband that only agrees with his wife. I like when we argue because then I really know how you are feeling."

"Well, I'm feeling happy, Olivia." He smiled, as he scooted closer to her, as he kept his eyes glued to his son.

"Me too... it's weird. Like we are never happy, and now we are."

"I was happy when we were waiting for Michaela, or when we got married. How you stepped on your wedding dress and tore the front." Elliot smirked, and his wife laughed softly.



[The Day The Twins Turn One]

A full year after the Stablers welcomed their son and daughter, and Elliot almost lost his wife, they finally made it to where their twins were healthy and toddling around. Both babies said "Momma" as their first word, and no matter how hard Elliot tried, his son and daughter refused to say "Dada".

Elliot was working at SVU again, this time as his wife's right-hand man. When one wasn't working, the other one was. But they still managed to spend every night with their children. Not only were there the Savannah and Cade, but a month before the babies turned one, Elliot and Olivia adopted a little boy named Rhett. They hadn't really planned on adopting another child, but when they met the small boy, they knew they had to adopt him. He was a newborn when his mother abandoned him, and the adoption was quick and perfect. Their family was finally complete.

"Momma!" The twins whined together, as the squirmed in their highchairs. 

"You will get your cake soon, munchkins," Elliot growled, as he cradled his youngest son in his arms, and walked towards the twins. They both reached their arms out to him, but he knew his wife would be angry if he got them out of their highchairs, because it was so hard to get them back in there.

Elliot kissed their little hands as he walked into the kitchen to see how close the cake was to being taken into the dining room for his kids to eat it and make a mess.

"Coming to tell us to hurry?" Amanda asked, as she turned around and smiled at Elliot. He laughed and nodded.

"Yup. Liv, your kids are starving and just want their cake." Elliot smiled. Olivia picked up the two small cakes that they had gotten for the twins to destroy, and then Amanda grabbed the sheet cake for those who attended.

"We are finally ready. So get out."


The twins absolutely destroyed their cakes, and the end result was probably cuter than when they were eating the cake. Both babies fell asleep with frosting covering their faces.

"Well, we finally made it." Olivia smiled, as she sat in the living room with Rhett, Amanda, and Jesse. Elliot and Fin were trying to figure out how to clean the kids up without waking them up.

"You did great, Liv," Amanda spoke, as she picked Jesse up and held the small girl close.

"Thanks, Mandy. I'm just thankful that Elliot and I didn't let the stress get to us." Olivia smiled, as she heard Fin swear from the kitchen.

"Well, when you both have the same dream, I guess you kinda had to stick together. Now, pass me that baby, you might want to go help out in the kitchen."

Okay, so guys, this was a completely shitty chapter and ending to the book. I didn't know where to go after the twins were born, so this is the end. Also, probably one of my shortest books that I've ever written. So please vote and comment all of your feedback below, and thanks! :D

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