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It was dark and misty shadows looked everywhere, no place to run and hide.

Sock had many thoughts in his head wishing he hadn't taken that bet. But he couldn't resist!

A day ago

Sock was at a sleepover with many of his friends and things don't go well when ever

"Soooooo!~ who wants to play a game."
Socks friend Sophie said knowing that she had something planned

"Hmm why don't we play extreme truth or dare where the only rule is that we don't repeat dares." Jojo said while smirking devilishly

Whelp I'm in deep shit now! Both Sophie and Jojo are hanging up on me, what is doing to happen

And so Sock's friends including himself played a few round of harmless dares and truths. Like licking a random rock outside or putting your hand in a toilet after someone used it. But the kicker that signed away Sock's death was the plan Jojo and Sophie had in store for him and he knew that.

"Sooo Sock, truth or dare?" Jojo asked

Here it comes... "d-dare?"

Jojo smiled in satisfaction and slowly moved closer to Sock.

"Well well well, after all thoughs truths you finally chose a dare, welp my incident child of mine. Your dare is to go to the abandoned mansion down the street and sleep there for the night... by your. Self!"

Yup I'm fuck... buuut then again I haven't done that and there shouldn't be an issue just have a heat source blanket flashlight with extra batteries...

"Okay fine but I'll do that tomorrow night since it's already 11:45 already." I tried to by myself some time

"Alright we have our dare, ladies and gentlemen!"

That night as we all slept I had a dream of a young man  in his bed, as my feet moved on their own I sat on the bed. To hear and see that young man silently sobbing saying words he couldn't make out.

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