Chapter Twelve

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  Chapter 12 My Territorial Claim "

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Chapter 12
My Territorial Claim
"...I wanted everyone to know he was taken. I would show the world no one else could have him, even if they didn't know it was me who claimed him."
As soon as the music played I got into the way it flowed and intoxicated my mind, my hand sliding up and down the pole, my eyes switching between closing and opening with a sultry gaze. I touched myself, tracing my figure and flipping my hair, I did every sexy thing I could think of. Until finally I took the microphone out, I walked around the pole and dipped down, throwing my head back and tracing my hand from my neck to in between my thighs. A roar came from the audience, I laughed as I stood back up, my hips swaying to the beat, I walked down the pathway and greeted some people. I performed, with everything I had in me, I gave my whole heart in the performance.

The rest of the concert was less sexual but not any less passionate, after that performance the audience was very keen and vocal. I felt the most appreciated and successful I had ever felt in my life, I was nearly fearless the whole night, it was euphoric. It was then I decided I wanted my music to be more upbeat. And as I stumbled off of the stage, with the roar of the crowd, I was in near tears of joy, and I clung onto Austin's smiling form. His hands hung on my back as I threw all my weight and momentum into him, he stumbled back a bit but absorbed all the shock. He laughed and screamed excitedly "That was fucking amazing!"

"Oh my god!" I parted from him, smiling like a madman. "I didn't know I had it in me but it was amazing! Oh my god that's such a rush!"

"Isn't it?" He grabbed my face and pulled my hair back, tucking it behind my ear as he stared into my eyes. "Do you want to grab something to drink?"

"I want to smoke."

"I have cigarettes, here let me-" he started looking in his jacket.

"No, I want to get high." He looked at me shocked, but politely recovered. "I just want to have fun after the show."

"I'll text someone." He started typing on his phone. "It'll be here by the end of the show, trust me, I know people."

"Can you trust who it's from?"

"Justin already said he'll drop some shit off at the house, he's very trustworthy, and then we can go to my place-" he put his phone away. "and play some video games and just get fucked up."

"Sounds good." I looked around quickly before kissing him, careful not to lace my fingers into his braids. I laughed in the kiss and mumbled "nice braids". He laughed along with me, pulling away and pecking my lips again lightly before pulling out a cigarette.

"Want one?" I nodded, taking the first hit gladly and handing it to him.

"Are you allowed to smoke here?"

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