Chapter Thirteen

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This song doesn't relate to the story line, but it's a really good song, just saying :)

 Chapter Thirteen Intoxicated  "His eyes were dark and pleading, they drew me in, sucking me into their beauty, the way they dilated as they moved over my face, it was intoxicating

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Chapter Thirteen
"His eyes were dark and pleading, they drew me in, sucking me into their beauty, the way they dilated as they moved over my face, it was intoxicating."


After the blissful high Austin and I shared all morning we sadly had to go to work, he drove me there, the ride was long but I didn't mind being with him, listening to his throaty voice sing along to songs and hold his large, warm hands in mine. Upon arrival we let go of our grasp, and were surprised with traffic as we entered, it was three hours before the concert and somehow people were already lining up to get inside the venue. "I guess San Diego is a big fan of yours." His face scrunched up with focus, when we finally arrived to the back the security for the back entrance stuck his head into the car window.

"Mr. Post, we can lead you into the venue, but we have a crowd forming back there, we have been trying to clear it but they keep coming back. So for safety reasons we are going to send two security guards with you." Austin nodded his head.

"Will they follow me to my parking spot?"

"Yes, sir, they'll be right behind you, in fact they are currently." Austin nodded.

"Alright, thank you, and one more thing."

"Yes sir?"

"Is there any way we an give these tickets to someone, we are waiting for them to come?"

"If you give me their names and the tickets I can give them to the security that checks the bags. And when they arrive tell them to go the security and show their I.D.'s and well give them to whoever the people are."

"Of course." I chimed in. After giving him all the needed information the guard said we were free to go.

"Thank you so much for your help, have a good day." We drove off, the golf carts filled with security following us closely, after parking the burly men flocked Austin, Austin pulled me in the circle they formed around him, blocking everyone's view from us. He locked my hand in his tight grip, we walked to the door, a sudden thump thump of feet crashing on hard ground was heard, a group of people came to the security guards.

"Please give Post Malone space." Austin looked very guilty, he peeked out and saw a group of five girls looking very disappointed, the rest of the crowding people walking off. But the five girls were more persistent, following and pleading for Austin, so when we reached the door and the security guards left, he quickly walked back out and pulled me with him, they were walking solemnly away. I put a rock at the door, as Austin said softly "Hey girls."

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