A Jedi's Help

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While The 1st Militia search for Immortal Continental Baum, a mysterious brown cloaked figure was walking in the woods with troops in special white armor until they came across a passed out Johnathon. These troops were Clone Commandos. The cloaked figure removed it's hood to reveal a female Jedi Knight with strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. She stepped forward, kneel down and place her hand on Johnathon's head to feel a pulse. A Clone Commando name Sarge stepped forward.

Sarge: Is he alright?

??? : Yes, he is alive. He needs to be taken back to camp for treatment.

Sarge: Right; Contact your master.

And so she did. While Sarge picked up Johnathon, and a follow Clone Commando carried his weapon, She reached for her comlink to contact her master.

??? : Master....My troops and I found a passed out soldier on my walk. He has a head injury. We are heading back with him to be treated.

??? (1) : Understood, Satele.

The Master and Apprentice ended their conversation. After they picked up Johnathon, They moved out and head back towards camp. The Men of the 1st arrived on Neperan Road, Thinking that Immortal Continental Baum had run on this path while The Horseman was chasing him. Private 9.6 scanned the are and found nothing.

Private 9.6: There's no sign of him.

1812: He couldn't have disappeared.

Jay: But, he WAS here; I feel his presence.

Immortal Marine Hillard: So, The Horseman didn't take him, or his head, right?

Jay: No....Immortal Continental Baum would move quick enough before The Horseman could get him. If he survived The Horseman, He would either hide in camp or somewhere in Sleepy Hollow.

General Lyons: You're right, Jay; lets head back to camp and regroup.

Brigadier General Lyons: Yes sir.

The 1st Militia began to move out to return to camp. As they left, Jay felt a presence. He looked into the woods and stared long and hard at it. It was a presence Jay never felt before. He wondered who, or what, is in the woods. Jar walked up to Jay and patted him on the shoulder, waking him out of his trans. He asked what was wrong and Jay replied it was nothing. Both he and Jar rushed by with The 1st Militia. Meanwhile, Satele and The Commandos arrived at a placed called The Jedi Hideout, There were log cabins, that were cut down by, and for The Clones, Satele, her master and husband, a fire pit and crates of supplies. Around The Jedi Hideout, Clone Commandos guarded the area. Working inside were Battle Droids, but these droids were reprogrammed. Satele and Sarge walked up to Satele's master and show her the passed out Immortal Continental Baum. She explained everything to her master, who was taken by surprised. She told Sarge to place Johnathon in Satele's Cabin to be treated. Then, A Clone Commando Captain, named Burster, who had arrived to see Johnathon being placed in Satele's Cabin. He walked into camp and up to his wife.

Captain Burster: Jaina...Who was that man?

Master Rodgood: It's a soldier that my apprentice found. He is injured and she brought him back to be treated. I do not know his name.

Captain Burster: Well then, does he have anything on him?

Clone Commando stepped forward and presented Captain Burster Johnathon's rifle. Captain Burster took Johnathon's rifle out of his comrade's hands and examine it. He had never seen a weapon like this before. Then, Sarge stepped out, carried Johnathon's hat, coat and equipment. He put down Johnathon's hat, coat, and most of his gear, leaving his haversack. Master Rodgood told Satele to tend to Johnathon and he is now under her care. Satele nodded and enter her cabin. With a bucket of water, a rag and bandages, She treated Johnathon's injury. She cleaned up his wound, and covered it. Then, unexpectedly, she kissed Johnathon on the cheek. She left Johnathon alone to recover. After Satele left her cabin, she saw Sarge with her master, Jaina Rodgood, and Captain Burster. She walked over to them and wonder what is going on.

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